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Her skin grew paler. The severe symptoms had started to show up in the past two months.

Heeyoung splashed water over her face , wiping off the blood from near her lips.

In these two months , Jake and Heeyoung's love for each other has increased profoundly.

How will they bid each other a farewell?

She dragged her body out from the washroom walking towards the entrance door.

She opened it, revealing the three most important people in her life.


Sunghoon held the cake with a wide smile over his face while Jay and Jake  flew the confetti towards her direction.

She managed to laugh at their cute surprise,"Thank you so much!"

"Heeyoung. Are you okay with the chocolate cake or shall I buy all the cakes there?",Jake questioned.

"The better option is to buy the whole cake shop.",suggested Jay.

The two boys pointed to each other, "BRO~"

Sunghoon heaved a sigh,"Stop bragging."

Heeyoung giggled letting them into her house.


"HEY!",Jay screamed in frustration when his friends applied the icing cream over his cheeks.

"Shut up.",Sunghoon sat down next to him.

Jake placed the birthday cap on Heeyoung's head and then ,  held her hand,"Let us click a picture."

Her lips formed a smile as he caressed her cheeks and led her towards the couch where their other two friends were seated.

They have moved on in their lives. Now all they hoped was Heeyoung to survive.

The four of them huddled together , staring at the camera in front of them.

"1 , 2 , 3 !"

They flashed happy smiles.




"You don't have to go to school.",Jake ran his hand through her hair.

She seemed weaker with each passing day.

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