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Rena: You left early.

Were you that scared of our talent ;)

Thomas: We stayed until the end of the show.

Rena: Oh

Thomas: To see how bad a band can be so we would avoid doing things they did

Rena: You expect me to believe that?


We fucking killed it

Thomas: You were somewhat tolerable I guess

Rena: I'll accept this for this once but I know there'll be a time where you'll admit that we're talented

Thomas: Yeah

Not gonna happen

Rena: We shall see

Thomas: Continue to fool yourself idc
Aren't you tired after the show why are you still up?

Rena: Just came home. We hang out at the bar
Why are you awake? Couldn't poor Thomas find someone to hook up at a bar?

Thomas: You guys called the dibs on everyone at the bar how could we
Especially that Niccolo guy didn't leave anyone he didn't talk to.

Rena: You're jealous we got more attention than you did lol

Well you better get used to it

Thomas: Bold of you to think you'll continue to perform at the Chesire

Rena: We don't need Chesire :) I just wanted to show you that we had deserved there in the first place

Thomas: Are you seriously still mad about that?

Rena: It was a shitty move

Thomas: I fixed it

Rena: You didn't "fix" it.
You used it to blackmail me so that your friend wouldn't kill you.

Thomas:  But you performed after all

Rena: Yeah we did:)
We were good

Thomas: You'll not be able to make me say you were good.

Rena: I wasn't trying to do so

Thomas: Liar

Rena: Yeah I was trying to do so
Anwyas, it's getting late

Thomas: It's actually getting early.
I can see the sun rising a little

Rena: Sure, whatever.
I want to get some sleep we'll go to the studio in the evening

Thomas: Good night Rena

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