Sometimes i start my sentences with the word 'sometimes' because its not always
I dont always feel not enough
I dont always feel fake
I dont always feel afraid
I dont always feel self hate
I dont always feel oldBut sometimes i do
Sometimes i feel too much or not enough
Like im watching life move on through someone elses eyes
I feel like im floating on the earth and at any moment i could float away
I feel like im repeating time and everthing i say over and over again
But only sometimes
Most times everythings good
But we all have bad days
poems i can't tell my therapist about
Poetrythis book is about all the poems I've written. there about different things and i won't expect everyone to get them, but i do. they mean a lot to me and honestly i just need a place to vent. Also I've added songs to each one because without songs i...