leather book 1.0

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Sad symphony

I lay in my bed staring at the ceiling
Time seems to stand still
The sky staying the same shade of navy blue
A bolt of lighting flashing every now and then
The drip drop of the rain never stopping
Like nature's very own melody
The soft hum of piano music playing on an endless loop and the sound of yelling seem to rise and fall in volume
Like a nostalgic tone that will be forever stuck in my head


Skies beauty

When I die
I want to be the sky
I want to make sunrises and bright hues of golden and yellow
I want to make sunsets
Pinks and purples mixing with blues and greens
I want to make it rain and watch as people smile and laugh as they make new memories
I want to make it warm for people to play and lay in the sun
I want to be the moon and watch people star gaze and make wishes
I want to be beautiful like the sky


Back pain

It's a never ending cycle
Wake up
Go to school
Go home
How many days has it been?
I'm stuck in a loop
I need something to break me out of it
I need a wake up call from society
From the cruel world of test grades and sleepless nights
From back pain and neck pain
Caused by a heavy backpack filled with disappointment and failure
People say carrying the world is heavy but I think carrying your future is heavier
I've been carrying it since I was 6
The pressure will only fade when I die
I wish that was sooner rather then later sometimes
My back hurts
It burns
It gets harder to get out of bed everyday
Soon I'll be crushed and I guess that's fine
Maybe then the weight will disappear


You dont have my condolences

The planet earth is my home
But like every home you must move on sometime
Scientists have already been looking at other planets
To see if they are livable
To see if they can sustain life
To see if they can sustain us
It seems like they've given up on earth already
But maybe it's for the better
Humans dont deserve earth
We dont deserve the trees
We dont deserve the beautiful animals or the fresh air if all we're gonna do is kill them and contaminate them
Maybe if the world were to end it wouldn't be so bad

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