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Y/n's Pov

I was walking around Spinners trying to sort orders out. After half an hour of running around sorting things out I started to my locker.

I heard something in inventory and stopped at the door. Trevor was in the shivering. I felt so bad for him. I did have my jersey on me...

It would make it seem that I liked him though. I think he's cute, don't get me wrong, but I've only known him for a couple of days.

Screw it he's got one foot in the grave here. "Heya, how's inventory going?" He continued the inventory while answering.

"Oh, hey, how's it going? No, it's not good, it's not good at all. Um... does everyone do this?"
"Yeah first day stuff it's normally a rotation. You okay? Your lips are literally blue,"
"Yeah I'm fine," He answered while shivering. Lie obviously.
"Here you can borrow my hoodie," I say while taking it off.
"No it's fine,"
"You are going to die in here you're shivering,"
"Okay," He took the hoodie from me and it fit him.
"I'm surprised this actually fits me," He said with a curious voice.
I smiled at him and walked away while shouting "Back to inventory!"

*Time skip to next day*

I woke up in my bed wondering how to deal with my parents today.

I came home around 2am and they are not the best parents.

They're both alcoholics but are always yelling and sometimes hit me. I have to sneak out...

I slowly creep behind the couch where my dad is sitting. I managed to change into my uniform and get ready.

Did I mention that I'm 2 hours late to work?

I saw that he had a bottle of whiskey next to him. I was the only person paying the rent in this house and we are on the brink of being evicted with the income I have.

The floorboard freaked and my dad whipped his head around. I started sprinting out the door while he started screaming swears at me.

"Y/N Y/L/N GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" I hopped on my back and peddled away as fast as I could.

*Time skip*

As I pulled up to work and parked up my bike Lucky ran up to me and gave me a hug. "Y/n Y/l/n I thought you were dead!" She exclaimed.

"By the way your boyfriend is cleaning the vent, and we're going to the mountains today," I rolled my eyes at the first sentence and agreed to the second.

*Time skip to near end of the day*

Today was a lot. So many unique orders. What's 8 drinks and 1 burger?

Walking inside I spotted Trevor and walked over to him. "Hey, I never got to tell you my name," I said.

476 words

Ghosted Feelings • Trevor Spengler x Reader (Discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now