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T H E  W I N T E R  B E G A N to fade in Forks. The snow was long gone, just like the confrontation of the Volturi. The Cullens finally were able to live in peace and the Quilete were content with life as it was. Renesmee was growing as fast as ever, spending lots of time with the people who loved her. Jacob had thrown away his grudge against  Edward, and Jake and Santana had seemingly forgave each other for all of the discourse that had thrown their friendship on the rocks. Paul and Santana had finished planning their wedding, and the day had arrived. Rosalie was Santana's maid of honor, Jared being Paul's best man. Emily, Kim, Bella, Alice, Rachel and Rebecca, Jacob's sisters, were her bridesmaids. All of Paul's packmates were his groomsmen and Renesmee was the flower girl. Alice stepped down and let the two celebrate with a small ceremony. They only invited their families and close friends.

The wedding was, much like Bella and Edward's, held in the Cullen's front yard, wanting to keep the theme of nature prevalent. The rows of seats were mostly the same, just to a lesser extent. Their colors were much different - their decorations were mostly black and silver. The cake was small, just enough to feed the guests that actually ate. Santana was in the house with the girls, putting the finishing touches on her makeup and hair. Her long white dress cascaded to the floor - form fit and strapless, decorated with lace and pearls. Alice had helped her pick it out. She looked at her dark eyes in the mirror, taking in her appearance. She had never felt this beautiful before, and she was overjoyed to share it with Paul. 

Meanwhile, outside, Paul was pacing back and fourth nervously. He was beside himself with anxiety. Guests had began to arrive and everything was seeming real. His tux fit him well, but he was starting to feel like it was too tight. "What if she changes her mind?" Paul asked Jared, which earned him a smack on the head.

"Don't be stupid, Paul. You guys have been waiting for this day practically since you met. Well, you have." Jared laughed. Paul rolled his eyes at his stupidity. "I'm kidding. Everything is going to be perfect, and you guys can go be happy and do what married people do or whatever."

"I should have asked Sam to be my best man. You're not the best at hyping a person up."

"Ouch." Jared placed a hand over his heart. Just as he did, Kim ran down the front steps, smiling ear-to-ear. 

"It's almost time!" Just as she said so, more guests piled into the yard, walking in and filling seats. Paul felt his heart race again. Jared placed a kiss to Kim's temple, and gave a nod to his best friend.

"Everything will be fine. You've got this. She's just as excited as you are." Jared told him. His girlfriend nodded in agreement. "Now, We gotta take our spots!" Jared said, giddily. For a grown man, he acted a lot like a little boy. 

The rest of the girls flooded into the dooryard, all with their respective pair. They waited until the clock struck 2, and everyone started walking down the aisle in their planned order. Paul was last, taking the spot in between everyone. His eyes focused on the entrance of the aisle, waiting to see the love of his life. It felt like an eternity before he has a familiar head of blonde hair, accompanied by a shorter head of dark hair. There she was. 

Carlisle looped his arm through Santana's, looking down at her. "You ready?" He asked with a smile. 

"As I'll ever be." She smiled back, grabbing onto his forearm nervously. She picked up the skirt of her dress slightly with her other hand, so she didn't trip on it, and they began to walk to the music. If It's The Beaches by The Avett Brothers played softly in the background as her and Carlisle walked slowly past the benches filled with guests. She caught Paul's eye, and her heart exploded with love. She never wanted to look away again.

A tear fell from his eye as she moved towards him. He knew she wanted her father to be here with her, but Carlisle was the best person that could be by her side. It seemed like hours as she slowly approached. They didn't break eye contact once, scared that the other might disappear. It didn't truly feel real that the two got to marry each other. To find true love was so rare in the world they lived in, and they wanted to cherish it forever. Once she reached the end of the aisle, Carlisle kissed the top of her head and shook Paul's hand. She took her place beside him, and the officiant began to speak. They were too wrapped up in each other to truly process what he was saying. When it came time for vows, Paul went first.

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