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H E  S C O U R E D  T H E woods. He was in a rage. Paul couldn't believe how crazy he was without Santana in his life. He felt so empty, and the emptiness turned into anger. Nobody could speak to him. His brothers, although in agony as well, respected his pain. Especially Sam and Jared. They could not imagine how painful it would be to lose Emily or Kim, respectively. They gave him space, but helped him search. That night, the Cullens joined them. They were searching Seattle. They hadn't made their way there yet; they looked around Forks first.

The sky was black—no stars to be seen. The smell of the city was strong as the group of wolves searched. The Cullens were on the other side, looking as intently as they were. Edward had stayed with Bella, incase there were intruders in their small town. The city was quiet for a weekend. Not many cars were driving the roads. It may have been because the civilians were terror struck—they didn't want to leave their homes because of the disappearances that were occurring. Paul and Jacob were close to the same mindset. Though Santana was not Jacobs soulmate, she was close to a life partner; best friends forever. They had grown together. Paul searched by the call of his soulmates scent. He knew now, it was likely to be different.

He wondered if she would still be appealing to him the way she was before. He wanted to know what life would be like now that he had an immortal lover. It sickened him to think of. He wondered if her smell would repulse him like other vampires. He wondered if he could get past the fangs, the eyes, the porcelain skin. He just didn't know.

'Paul, stop thinking like that.' Embry thought, angrily. 'We're all hoping for the best and you're not making it easy.' Paul snorted a reply. Embry could only imagine how hard this was on Paul, but he was upset with him
believing the worst. How were they supposed to be positive when his thoughts were so awful? They were all sick with grief, but Paul thought it was just him. That was the issue. They all supported Paul in his loss, but he did not recognize or seem to care enough to help the others. They had grown with her, loved her, and were her friends. She was part of their lives just as much as his.

The Cullen's also grieved. They were upset at the unnecessary change of such a wonderful, bright young girl. Carlisle believed, and so did many of the others, that the only time a human should be made immortal was if they were dying. They all respected mortality, and the importance of human life. They were not close with the girl for very long, but they saw what her existence meant to the others. They hurt for the wolves.

Edward especially; he wouldn't let anyone know it. He knew the pain Paul would be in. He felt the same pain with Bella. That's why he refused to change her, or disagreed with it. He wanted to see Bella grow old, live a full and happy life with children and memories. He didn't want her stuck like him. A monster, a coldblooded killer. She deserved more than that. So did Santana. She was a happy girl, and though she disliked Bella, still deserved a fulfilling life. The fate she got wasn't fair.


Her throat burned. She was in agony. It had only been a day since the last time she fed. She was like a killing machine: her hands forced her to take the lives of others. Her thirst was uncontrollable. Victoria had brought her a human, wanting to keep her in primal condition. Victoria had a new favourite. It was least suspecting of her to care for a newborn. She had created them all for one reason, revenge. She never intended to become attached. Despite her first belief that she only liked her because of her power, Victoria believed she was really warming to the new vampire. She thought of her as a sister, or a daughter.

She truly convinced herself it was at her own will; when Santana had corrupted her thoughts to make her love her before, it felt unwilling. She could feel herself being forced, but her feelings were too strong to care. This was different, she felt actual adoration. She was becoming attached. Victoria watched as the sloppy newborn fed. She was a bit repulsed at the lack of mannerism in the teen, though she knew it was involuntary.

She knew that the Cullens were aware of the fight that would soon happen. She knew they were preparing. She also knew that they were searching for Santana. She called their scent within Seattle. Why else would they have been near? They were catching on to her, and she felt unsafe. She did believe that she had the upper hand, but it didn't calm her fully. She knew with Santana, she could win any fight she wanted to, even with the voultori if she may. But the Cullens were slick. They probably paired with the wolves, to fight a common enemy. She wasn't stupid. She knew what to expect. She also knew Edward wouldn't fight. He would be with Bella, wherever she was.

It would make it almost too easy. She could call his scent, and isolate them. With Santana by her side, Edward would revolt against Bella and join them in killing her. Yet she still sat, pondering if she would lose. Her irrational fear was picked up by her counterpart. Santana threw the dead body to the ground, and it landed with a thud. She stared at Victoria.

"What are you thinking?" Santana prodded, low in expression. Her red eyes were brilliant, like a fresh coat of paint covered them. "Is it about the fight?" Victoria nodded. Santana swiftly moved across the small opening and stood in front of her. "We'll win. You know that. Stop worrying yourself."

Her teeth basked in the crimson colour of blood as she spoke. It was smeared on her pale chin, making Victoria laugh. "I know." Was all she replied. It was cool, and calm. Unlike her emotions. She projected a different personality to spare the brown haired girl worry. "I have you, dont I? What else do I need." She stated. The two grinned at each other, mad. It was like insanity overtook them. Their confidence was unmatched by anything. They had a weapon now. The Cullen's life as they knew it would end abruptly.

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