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C H I L D R E N R A N A R O U N D laughing as content as ever. Around the fire, two friends sat side by side, giggling and enjoying the mere fact of each other's existence. When everyone was called to order, silence fell over everyone on the property. Billy Black, and Harry Clearwater sat side by side. Next to Harry was Sue Clearwater, and their respective children sat around them. Sam, Embry, Quil, Seth, Leah, and a few younger kids of the tribe. Jake was just rounding the corner of the house when Billy began to speak.

Billy launched into a story about the tribes ancestors, but Santana was too absorbed in Paul to pay attention. His glistening eyes were zoned in on the council leader, and he seemed to be deeply interested in the story as if he'd never heard it before. "Taha Aki, the Great Wolf leading the tribe for many years had also fathered many sons who could also turn into wolves." Santana's attention was caught by Billy's words. her gaze shifted from Paul to her ex-friend's father. "Taha seemingly gave up his spirit wolf when he met his true love, but a threat still loomed over them. Peace was far from reach. A neighboring tribe to the Quileute's, the Makah's, claimed some of their women had gone missing. A reasonable accusation against the wolves were made, but then came fulfilling assurance that they were nothing but innocent."

Santana's mind flashed to her dream she had the previous night. Quiluete legends were just legends, not a possible reality. They were just stories passed down through generations to scare the children and provide entertainment, right? Her thoughts raced and her heartbeat quickened the longer he spoke. She would have to talk to Paul after this. Maybe the dream meant something after all. "The Makah's were not fully calmed. After all, who else did they have to blame? In avoidance of a war, Taha made a tactical decision to send his eldest son, Taha Wi, to find the missing women. Or even better, the culprits."

Billy paused. His eyes scanned the faces of the children around the flames. He waited for a reaction of any kind. When he got none, he continued to speak."Taha, along with five other members of the pack found what we now refer to as 'the cold ones'. Our one natural enemy. What the tribe was destined for. What we were made for. Only half the tribe that went out to find the cause of the disruption returned. Taha and his two brothers never came back." Our natural enemy. The words bounced against her skull and echoed off his breath. "One year later, more of the Makah girls went missing. Wolves were sent, but again, only one came back. This one was not empty handed, though. The eldest son of Taha Aki's third wife, Yaha Uta returned with information, and chunks of porcelain body. Elders feared what this being was. They set fire to the remains of the corpse to ensure it would never return. Yaha informed the elders and the rest of the Quiluete's of the beings impossible speed, unfathomable strength, and its undying thirst for human blood. The Makah women were merely a beverage to ease the monsters hunger."

Santana reached over and grabbed Paul's hand in her's. His fingers laced wtih the outsiders, and he held it close to him. This was the easiest way to let her in on what she needed to know. A shock to the system wasn't always the worst thing. Besides, sometimes his words failed him. Billy was much better at stories than he would ever be. He glanced at the girl, her eyes held worry. His subconscious launched him into concern, but he decided against saying anything yet. That was for later, after she got the whole story.

"Little to our ancestors knowledge, the cold one that they had killed had a mate, and she wasn't going to take his destruction lightly. She showed up in the village uncalled for with the sun blazing over her diamond like skin. In her crimson eyes, there was nothing but anger and a hunger for revenge. She was ethereal. She had a beauty nothing could compare to. To a human, it was so inviting. So irresistible. To the wolves, it was disgusting. It triggered their natural instinct, and Yaha transformed into his spirit wolf to fight off the havoc wrecking vampire. The elders had been alerted of the danger they were in, and Yaha went off to fight his losing battle." Santana took in a sharp breath before Billy started speaking again. "Yaha died bravely. Fighting a cause to save his family. For that we never forget his sacrifice. Because of Yaha's murder, his father phased again after years of suppressing his wolf form. Although old, his wolf was still strong and wise."

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