I take it back

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8 years later

Casey's POV

Izzie's head was resting on my lap and tears fell from her face. I tried my best to wipe all of them away, but they kept falling like rain drops.

The doctors once again weren't able to implant the eggs into Izzie, and that was our last try. Izzie and I have been trying to get the eggs implanted in her since we were 23, and we are now 26. It breaks my heart to see Izzie like this. What makes it even worse is that there's absolutely nothing I can do to make this better. I wish I could control her embryos, but unfortunately I can't.

Izzie and I have been ready to have kids for a while. It's been something we've planned on doing since we got married. For a while, we decided that we didn't think we wanted kids. The thought have having to always been there sounded exhausting, but now we feel like children are what we are missing in our lives.

We stood quite for a while. All I could hear were the sounds of Izzie sobbing. Tears would slip from my eyes every once in a while, but I immediately wiped them away. Even though my heart was broken, I had to be strong for izzie.

Izzie picked up her head from my lap and rested her head on my head. She took a soft breath and tiredly closed her eyes. I didn't know what to say. I never knew I'd be this heartbroken over something I didn't even know I wanted so badly. Am I ever gonna have kids with Izzie? Would Izzie be okay with adopting kids? A bunch of thoughts were going through my head, but they were interrupted by Izzie.

"So, what does this mean?" She asked me, so quietly that I almost didn't hear her.

"I don't know." I said, taking a deep breath.

"I really want kids, Casey. What are we gonna do?" She asked me, starting to tear up again.

"Well, adoption is-" was all I could say before Izzie cut me off.

"No Casey, I want these kids to be my own blood." She said, getting angry at me.

"I know Izzie, but the doctors said it can't happen. And, there's a lot of kids that could use a home with loving parents." I said, trying my best to convince her.

Izzie didn't say anything. I knew she had a good heart, and she'd agree to adopt if I reminded her about all those poor kids living in bad households.

"Look iz, we can still have kids. We can raise them to be ours, and we can do family things." I said very softly.

"Not only that," I continued, "but we could be helping kids that need a home." I finished.

Izzie's face looked full of sorrow and sadness.

"Take time to think about it. I don't want to make you do this if this isn't what you want, but please, please, please think about it." I begged.

"Okay." Izzie said with a slight smile that I haven't seen in a while. She grabbed my hand, then rested her head back on mine again.

Thanks for reading! Will Casey and Izzie adopt? Read the next chapter to find out 😏

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