horror movies

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~snaps pov~

I woke up before Karl so I made eggs and bacon and I put a cup of water on the table and went to go wake Karl up

"Karl wake up"

Karl rubs his eyes and makes grabby hands so I pick him up and take him to the kitchen

He goes to eat


"No problem" I say with a smile on my face

He eats it all and I come up with in idea

"Wanna go on a walk"

~Karl's pov~

My face lights up


I put my shoes on and so does snap and I grab his hand

"Where are we going" he says

"Somewhere :D"

We finally get to the park

"Were hereee"

He looks around

"This is so beautiful"

"Ikr but not as beautiful as you* I blush

He also blushes

~time skip for when they get home~

~snaps pov~

I pick him up

"Wanna watch something?"

He looks onto my eyes


I put him on the couch and I put on a horror movie

10 minutes later I notice that Karl has grabbed onto my hand and puts head into my neck

"Hey hey it's okay" I rub his back softly

By the time the movie is over Karl is full on in tears

I pick him up and take him to my room

"Here you can lay with me tonight"

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