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"I'm a big fan of yours

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"I'm a big fan of yours."

"Romanoff." Hotch called as she walked towards him and the rest of the group.

"Yeah?" She asked as she approached them.

"We're proud of you." He told her as she smiled.

"You were amazing, Lena." Emily praised as Yelena furrowed her brows to the nickname.

"It's just shorter than Yelena." She clarified as Yelena nodded slowly.

The group  went to hold a short briefing as they came up with one suspect, Richard Slessman.

A while later

She knocked on the door as she waited for someone to open.

A lady who looked like she was about in her sixties answered the door.

"Hello." Yelena greeted awkwardly.

"I'm sorry to bother you. I was gone to the supermarket down the street, but when I got back home, the door was wide open and lights weren't working." She began as the woman looked at her curiously.

"I feel stupid asking this, but is there someone who might be able to take a look inside with me?" She asked innocently.

The older woman nodded, turning around, "Richard! Richard, get down here!" She yelled as Richard walked down the stairs.

"Are you sure you locked it?" He asked as they were walking to the house.

"Yeah." She answered as they walked up the steps, entering the house.

"Hello?" He called as they were entering the house.

The door was creaking in the distant as they reached the living area. He raised his lamp to get a clear view.

Suddenly, five FBI agents came out of hiding as they were shouting at him, "Freeze! FBI!" They shouted over each other as his eyes widened.

Yelena quickly tackled him to the ground, jumping on him as she pulled out her cuffs.

"Richard Slessman, FBI." She said in a calm voice.

"You are under arrest for the murder of..." Her voice seemed to blur as Richard looked at the team, all their gazes on him.

He smiled devilishly as they looked at him.


The group went through Slessman's house, looking for any kind of clue as to where the victim is being kept.

They went up to his room.

"Something's not right." Morgan began as he scanned the room.

"What?" Emily asked as she wandered through the room.

"This looks like a boy's room." He noticed as his gaze landed on her.

"Not a man's." He told her as she furrowed her bows.

Yelena went to open a door from inside his room, leading to another room upstairs.

"Found something?" She asked as she looked through the room.

Spencer bent down to the coffee table where a game was set.

"What's that?" Emily entered the room as she looked at the game on the table.

"In China it's called 'Weiqi', here we call it 'Go'. It's considered to be the most difficult board game ever conceived." He furrowed his brows as he looked at the game.

"It looks like he's playing himself." He noticed.

"How can you tell?" Emily asked as she furrowed her brows.

Spencer gave a push at the corner of the board, making it spin as he looked at it carefully.

"This might provide advantage, actually." He began as the board slowly stopped spinning.

"Go is considered to be a particularly, psychologically revealing game. There are profiles for every player, that conservative point counter: the aggressor, the finnesser..." He listed as Hotch took a step forward.

"What kind of player is Slessman?" He asked a she crossed his arms.

Spencer looked carefully at the board, analyzing every move as he looked up to Hotch.

"Extreme Aggressor." He answered.

"Guys, we found something." Derek chimed in from the staircase as they all nodded, walking behind him as he led them to the room.

"So we found his laptop, but we can't get in." He told them.

"What's the six at the bottom of the screen?" Emily asked as she leaned over the chair.

"Number of password attempts before the program wipes the harddrive." Morgan answered as she sighed.

"Do you think you can get in?" She asked as he looked at her. "In six tries?" He scoffed as they sighed.

Yelena found a child's book on the ground, furrowing her brows as she picked it up.

She went thorugh the pages as an article fell out of the book on the floor.

She almost recognized it as she went to pick it up.

"I want to talk to him." She spoke as she looked at the article, with her picture on it the day she got caught.

They all turned to look at her as she walked out of the room, walking down the stairs to the kitchen where Slessman was being held.

As she entered the kitchen, he looked up as his eyes widened in admiration, in a scary way.

She threw the article on the table as he didn't even look at it, his gaze only one her.

"Yelena Belova Romanoff. I'm a big fan of yours." He told her with a big smile as she cringed.

Derek and Spencer walked down the stairs as they came in the kitchen.

"You were caught on July thirteen, by these guys." He threw a disgusted look towards Derek and Spencer.

"Born and raised in Russia. Parents dead. Sister dead. Family dead." He pretended to pout.

She slammed her hands on the table as she stood up, grabbing his throat.

He laughed maniacally as they pulled her back.

"Romanoff, go take some air." Hotch ordered as she looked at him, standing in the corner of the kitchen.

She rolled her eyes as she threw a glare at Slessman.

"Reid, go with her." Hotch whispered as Spencer went to protest but nodded reluctantly.

Romanoff made her way outside as she sighed. "You okay?" He asked as he went to approach her.

"I'm fine, Reid." She held the bridge of her nose as she muttered something under her breath.

"What?" He asked as she raised her head, turning towards him.

"Nothing, let's see if we can find something useful." She said as she walked back in the house.

He pursed his lips as he followed behind her.

Something about her worried Spencer, but he didn't want to pry.

He wouldn't like it if people did that to him.

But something concerned him about her.

DON'T LEAVE ME, spencer reidWhere stories live. Discover now