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After the night of my sixteenth birthday I feared what Achilles would think of our days until his. He would be old enough for crown. Awoken before the slightest sun in the morning after, my heart thrummed echoes through my head. I felt his stirring when light creased over our bodies, enveloping them in its embrace.

He shifted in turn, his mouth turned against my body. And when his eyes flickered open as bright as flames on the summer solstice, I felt everything within me melt away.

Never once I doubted he was capable of loving in such a way. With furious passion muddling his brain to only that one thought: to love.

I did not believe I would be the one capable of that furious love. The ache in my chest turned sharp throughout the years watching him change. And yet I knew his story, I had memorized the verses of the poem of his life, and refused to edit it with hesitance.

His fingers slid around my chest, one hand rising to my face. His fingers gently brushed my flesh there, like he was fearful of my breaking.

"Chiron must be up," He murmured. I had not thought to look ever since my ears went silent.

"He never came back after dinner last night," I whispered in the breaking light. Achilles hummed then, pulling me back down beneath the covers deeper. My breath caught with the twisting of our limbs, the slick sweat between our bodies.

"Achilles?" His name was heavy on my tongue. It sent honey soothing my throat just as his lips brought. My insides burned with that silent protest to the poem.

"Patroclus?" Pa-tro-clus? Soft breath touched my lip. My vision turned, my eyes deep in his green. They held hue of no other. His eyes of beetle wings and dripping sunlight over ripe summer leaves.

I hesitated in my question. With it my first edit would be made. I was determined that we should stay like this in the final version. For nothing could be more beautiful than our love story. "Achilles, before we rise...."

Achilles shifted up on his elbows. His eyes dipped into mine.

"Kiss me?" He murmured. I nodded, my throat catching as he leaned closer, his nose brushing mine.

His fingers curled around my arms, pressing into my flesh. Never once I feared his touch. I feared those of deft, heavy fingers. I knew his agile, thin tendons and hands were never to become my fears. He would stay agile. He would stay without ire.

His lips crushed mine. Without much thought my mouth opened in welcome. Soft as down and summer streams. He welcomed himself too, the slickness of his tongue pressing deep into my throat. I gripped his face, pulling back as my lips met his neck. With his whimpers I pressed. Achilles pulled away one last kiss before he threw the covers of our oasis away, discarding them for new sunlight.

"We should rise," He said, his arms arching above his head. I watched from our tumble of blankets as his muscles contracted and pulled beneath his skin. I wish for nothing more than to memorize those limbs, for my fingers to fit in every line across his body.

I nodded, rising myself. Achilles grinned at me, light beaming through his eyes.


hey guys!! it's poe! I binge-read TSoA and now im obsessing so enjoy some oneshots I wrote abt my boys :,)

this work is also on ao3 so go check it out if u like that site better!!

love yall!! <3

this to be our last words - patrochillesWhere stories live. Discover now