Chapter 7 part 2

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After a few drinks Mila decided to get a table with her friends. Tonight she's hanging out with Justin, Eric, and Porsche. All of them were friends with Mila before her fame. Back in middle school. So they all know each other quite well. "So tell me about this guy.", Porsche said. Before Mila could answer Eric huffed loudly. Which was completely uncalled for. "Before you girls gush about this guy think about it. Do the guys your with really care to hear this.", he asked annoyed. Mila shifted her eyes towards him."Then don't listen, Eric. Find a who're to play with." Everyone laughed expect Eric who was trying to hold his laughter in. He was able to succeed. Despite his wishes Mila went ahead to explain to Porsche who Christian was and why she kicked him in the balls. On some level if her thoughts Mila just wanted to grad Christian and fuck him in the bathroom, leaving him speechless and dumbfounded. However decided when she does decide to have sex with him again it will be in a hotel. Where she will give him the premium package. Not platinum but premium, which is nothing like the platinum package. The plans she had for him when he earned the Platinum Package will have him crying somewhere. Maybe she could give the-nah that would ruin the whole plan. She couldn't help but think about it. His body covered in sweat, exhausted and sleepy. Mila crossed her legs. Her thoughts were becoming a little intense. "What are you thinking about over there?", justin asks curiously. "Curiosity killed the cat you know.", Mila stated. "Yes. But satisfaction brought it right back.", he shot back, thinking he outsmarted her. "But remembering too much information gave it a heart attack.", she replied. "Poor kitty.", Eric said humorously. "Let's not get you started on the word kitty. Sick basterd.", Porsche said playfully. "Hey I can't, help it. The ladies love Daddy Long Stroke.", Eric replied. Mila looked at him. "Really? Because I saw Jessica at the salon the other day and she said your strokes came up a bit short.", she said playfully. "It could've been longer if she didn't insist in on cradling my head to her chest.", he defended, making everyone crack up. All these comical topics are making Mila less tense. A night out with friends always makes her feel better.
Mila breathes frustrated air. Another award show, and no man to speak of. She always single around this time. She started to question if she should go or not. It's nit like her attendance us mandatory or anything. She hears a knock on the front. A wicked smile plays across her face. She already knows who it is. She opens the door without hesitation. "Hello Christian. What can I help you with?", she asked. "You have my attention. So now what?", he demanded. "Aww I didn't expect you to crack this easily. Too bad you still have to wait.", Mila teased. "Mila don't tease me.", he practically begged. Mila grabbed his crouch and rubbed her thumb over his shaft. "Baby, when I'm done playing with you, you'll be mine. Don't fight the urge. You like your women feisty, and I like my men on their knees. Killer combo huh?", she said. She could feel him stiffen through his pants. She closed her door, dividing the two of them. He watched her intensely through the glass. Mila stripped out if her clothes, letting Christian see every piece of her that he had to earn. When her panties hit the floor, she knew if not already that she had his full attention. Now it was time to have some fun. She inserted her fingers inside of her wet folds. "I wish it was you inside me, Christian.", she teased. It was true she did what him inside her, but she had to train him. Show him exactly what he wanted but couldn't touch. Let him know that this is her body and that this is what she wants to do to it right now. Christian's breathing began ragged just by watching. Mila's moans, sounded so s r st to him. The way she masterfully worked her fingers in her twat had him under a spell. "I'm coming Christian. Watch me come baby.", she announced. Unexpected to Mila, she came hard, not realizing how much this turned her on. After have an explosive orgasm she cracked the door open. "Taste.", she demanded. Christian excitedly to her fingers in his mouth. Sucking them dry and wanting to taste more. Mila fought the urge to give him more. She smiled at him. Seeing the spellbound lust he was under. "Now be a good boy and leave. Don't you even think about touching yourself either. If you want my body, you'll play by my rules. Now go.", Mila said sternly. She watched amused as Christian slowly walked back to his car without taking his eyes off her. It won't be too long until she'll have him. He's already eating out the palm of her hand, or rather eating off her fingers.

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