Chapter Six

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         It's been six months since that incident with Christian . Mila has moved on. So far that she met Scott. Scott is tall, tan, and blonde. He has ripped abs. However for now he's just a fling. How they met? In the Hamptons while Mila was on vacation.

           "Oh Scott. We can't do this right now. I have to work.", Mila begged. Scott continued kissing her neck. "Not for another hour you don't." He lifted up her shirt, tracing his fingers on Mila's body.

         After some nice back cracking sex Mila was off to work. She's starring in a Wes Craven film. She's kinda bummed out that her character dies but, when opportunity knocks, answer. On set Mila has on a bloody nightgown reading over her lines. It's one of the twist scenes and she has to focus. One of the male co-stars has been eyeing her. Feeling a little irritated she speaks up. "Is there something I can help you with, Mr. Chestnut? " "Yes. Your stage blood has been dripping from nightgown. Its hard to considerate, considering where the blood is." Mila looked down and blushed in embarrassment. It looked like she was having a heavy period. How embarrassing! "Oh. Sorry. I thought...never mind."

A/N yes it's short but it'd a chapter nonetheless.

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