Chapter One: Fitness

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In a business ruled by image, a lady must keep herself in shape. Mila is known for her beauty and amazing body. Being used to the expectations Mila tries to pretend that she cares what the media thinks of her.

     Her new personal trainer is about to come over. She's had one before but it's only so much time two divas can actually get along. Mila is dressed in yoga pants and an Tom Collins T-shirt. As if on Que, her doorbell rang. Mila answers the door and is shocked at what she finds. A 6'3 mountain of aphrodisiac. "Good morning Ms. Amora, I am Christian, your personal trainer." His voice is deep with a sharp Hispanic accent. "Come on in", Mila says, her mouth watering and her inner goddesses purring at the adonis before her eyes.

     Christian showed her how to stretch properly, and worked her body until her muscles ached (but not in the way she was hoping). During a break Mila wanted to step up her game. "Would you like anything to drink, Christian?", she asked flirting innocently. "No thank you Ms. Amora. I don't drink or eat on the job.", he didn't pick up on her tone. "You have very nice arms, Christian. I like a man that can lift.", Mila said practically purring at the well built trainer. "You're a beautiful lady Ms. Amora, but I'm not interested.", Christian said dismissively. Mila was in shock. No one has ever denied her.

  Mila: Now you see what the problem is? Out of everyone I've dated they have always eaten out of the palm of my hand. Now I can't focus with my projects. All because I have a 6'3 ft. man on my mind.

  Comments are greatly appreciated. Let me know how I'm doing, do you thing I have potential. Mind you this was done from my cell phone. .

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