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Being true to his word, Casey followed Edward through the woods. "In 1918, I was ready to court Casey, but she caught the Spanish flu. I was by her side till she died. I never got to tell her that I loved her." He said as they found a spot to sit. "Meeting you was something I never thought would happen. You don't look just like Casey, but you are so different. You speak your mind..."

"Then explain why you acted the way you did when we first met."

"I made a mistake for my actions and I'm truly sorry. You just took me by surprise and when you defended yourself...I wasn't able to control myself."

"You were thinking of feeding off me?"

"No. Something else."

Casey face turned blood red as she looked away. "You got turned on by my attitude. I don't know if that should be a compliment because no one has ever said that to me." Edward nodded causing Casey to stand up red in the face. "Oh my god."

"That's the main reason why I left." He says. "I came back because...I never told Carlisle about this, but I came back because of the pain we had."

Casey looked at him. "I remember the pain. Alice asked was I okay."

"Yeah. She really wants to know you." He tells her. "If you will give us a chance."

"Edward, I'm not scared off you. I just wished you would have been more opened." She tells him.

Edward moved her blonde hair. She didn't do anything, but took his hand and walked with him. "What are you thinking?"

"That I can't lose you."

"I can't lose you either. I'm trying to do everything right this time." He tells her as he touched her cheek. "I want to show you something."

Casey nodded as she followed him.
She smiled as she saw the beautiful pond with a swing in the tree. "That swing needs to be replaced, but besides that, I love it." She looked at Edward and smiled. "Thank you."

"One of the things I always wanted to do was find a place for me and the person I love to go to."

"A place for memories." She tells him as she walked over to him and touched his cheek as the sun started to shine. Edward looked away in shame causing her to make him look at her. "Edward, don't hide from me." She smiled. "I don't care what you look like because you are still the same broody vampire to me."

"This doesn't scare you?"


Edward smiled as he place his hand on her chest where her heart is. She looked up at him and smiled. Casey smiled as she had a flashback of this moment.

"Edward, why did you bring me here?"

"I wanted us to be alone. I wanted to tell you something..."

"Edward, I don't feel good."

Casey cried as she knew what happens next. "You were going to confess, but she wasn't feeling good."

"Not too long after that day, she died, but after I turned." Edward tells her as he wiped her tears. "I wanted to tell her I love her, but when she said she wasn't feeling good, I caught her as she fainted. I held her hand before I fell ill."

Casey nodded as he kissed her head. "Come on." She tells him. "Let's not focus on the past anymore. This is now."

Edward smiled as he had his second chance. Casey started to walk away to look around, but Edward grabbed her arm causing her to look at him. Not saying a word, Edward pulled her into him. Casey didn't know what he had planned till he kissed her. She moved closer to him and deepened the kiss.

Breaking apart, Edward and Casey shared a look and smiled. "Come on, let's spend more time together."

"Okay." Casey said.
Alice looked at the old picture of Casey and Edward. She smiled, but wondered how did he get that picture. "My parents took the picture." He said causing her to turn.

"I thought you were with Casey."

"I was, but her aunt called her home for dinner." He said. "Why are you in my room?"

"I was needing to talk to you." He nodded. "Casey, will be like us. I was going to keep it quiet, but I couldn't. Something about Casey has me wanting to tell you the truth. She's going to make you happy and make us feel like a family."

"Alice, I'm sure you could have lied better."

"Bella is going to find out soon."


"Her boyfriend from the Rez." Jasper said walking in. "Casey may be in danger because another human found out."

Edward sighed as he needed to think of a way to keep that from happening, but knowing the shifters on the Rez, they will make sure they are known. "I have to keep her safe." He tells them. "I don't want anything happening to Casey now that I was given a second chance."

They nodded before walking out. Edward sat down and sighed as he has to explain more about this life to Casey. The rules and everything to keep her up to date and to make sure there is no secrets between them. "She deserves to know everything." He mumbled as he looked at the picture before putting it back, but on the shelf. No more secrets.

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