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Edward looked at the list that Casey had made to do with him before she fully turns. She wanted everything she could think of. Marriage, sex, traveling, everything that the blonde could think of was something Edward would never thought about. He smiled as he walked out of the room to get the luggages that he bought for her.

The blonde raised up and looked around the room as she thought Edward was in bed with her. He walked in with a lot of luggages causing her to smile. "Really?"

"Well, you made a list last night of what you want to do as human." He tells her as he set the luggage down. "I thought we should get a head start on this as we don't know exactly when you will be turning."

Casey smiled as she walked over to him. "Where to first?"

At the Cullens, Carlisle sat in his office looking at the photos from 1918. The year Edward lost everything. He was looking at Casey Johnson and the one now. He was very confused. How did one person carry venom till the moment Casey died? Carlisle noticed something that his vampire eyes never saw before. He looked closer and knew Edward spoke the truth. He bit Casey, but the one he has now shouldn't be turning because of the original one was bit.

"Anything?" Esme asked as she walked in.

"No. I see where Edward bit the original Casey, but it doesn't make sense on how she's slowly turning unless it's their bond." He replies as his wife puts her arms around him. "Everything we always knew has turned into a mystery and no one doesn't know what to do. Casey is slowly turning and eventually her heart will stop as the venom she carries continues it's course. Turning her."

Esme kissed his head. "You will figure out what is going on. For now, let's focus on Casey and help her leave her human life before it's time."

"Where are they at the moment?"

"Airport. First on her list is to go to Alaska." Esme tells him. "Edward is going to make sure her list is completed."

"Do you have a copy?"

Esme showed him the copy. Carlisle looked and smiled as he knew that Casey was prepared for what is happening to her. Only if they could figure out why this is happening to her.

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