The murder capital of the world

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What would you consider to be the worst and most terrifying place to live?

How about Santa Carla, California?

The place that is literally known as the murder capital of the world. Almost everywhere you looked, there were missing people posters on most walls, telephone poles, the back of milk cartons, some on fences and inside shops and restaurants when some wall space was running out. You could only imagine how stressed out the local government and law enforcement were. As for you, you were terrified but because you couldn't move anywhere because of financial troubles, you were pretty much tied here.

You had made a call to your parents and they were very worried but they were unable to fly you home due to financial issues as well. It was a relief to know that your parents would welcome you back into their home but you knew it would be awhile until you could earn enough money to buy a plane ticket, sell your small home and pack up your whole life to move back home. You were trying to speed up the process by doing as many jobs as possible on the boardwalk and so far it was working but it sure was exhausting.

So much running around, always getting hit on by the sufer dudes and the constant feeling of someone slapping your behind. You knew you were just going to have to suck it up and deal with it. You really wished you could just fly back home but a plane ticket was expensive right now and flying like a bird is just impossible and ridiculous. You couldn't do much. But for now, one of the jobs that you didn't mind doing and was starting to pay you may more was the comic book shop that was owned by two brothers named Edgar and Alan Frog.

Because you started working there, more people came into the store, only because you were working there. You can't deny that you are very beautiful but you always expressed how beautiful other people were. But, sometimes, it was hard to be nice to people when some of them are always hitting on you and slapping your behind. Edgar and Alan always made sure that if you were being harassed while working, they would have those people leave immediately. It was a nice sentiment.

One night, while working at the comic store, Edgar had given you a box of comics to stock the stands with. While stocking, you noticed a couple surfers come inside. You paid them no mind and just continued working until you felt a hand slap your behind and some laughter as well. "Well, hello sexy! Whatcha doing in here"?

"I'm working" you said politely.

"You look bored though, why don't you come join us at the beach"?

"I can't. I'm sorry".

"Ah, come on". One of them then took your hand which made you drop the box and try to take your hand back. "Please, let go of me-"


You all looked over and saw Edgar and Alan looking infuriated. "Leave her alone and get out of our store, now" Alan said darkly. The surfer dudes didn't look intimidated but they quickly looked down to see that the box of comics had fallen out of the box as well and they quickly snatched some of them and booked it which initiated the two brothers to chase them. You just sighed and picked up the box to continue putting the comics on their designated shelves.

It took three minutes for the Frog brothers to come back and they were unsuccessful with getting the comics back. They made sure you were ok and told you to just work behind the counter since it's safer. Your job there had eventually ended for the night and you had to go back home to get a good night's rest. You bidded your goodbyes to the Frog brothers and started to leave but not before something scary happened.

You hadn't even gotten twenty feet from the comic shop when four motorcycles drove up and were circling you, blocking you. You could hear laughter and of course the loud sounds of the bikes. You started to get scared but you then hear echoing voices in your head, one being a sinister sounding voice, saying, "Hello, beautiful".

"Don't be scared".

"We're just playing".

"Your safe". You started to panic and you couldn't see their faces but by strictly hearing the sounds of their laughter, it sounded like boys. They eventually turned their bikes around and drove off down the stairs and took off down the beach. You had no idea what just happened but you knew that you just had to get home now. You made it to your bike and pedaled back home, trying not to think about what just happened.

It was certainly a very scary moment but you had a thought in the back of your head that this wouldn't be the last time you would encounter those strange people.

Authors notes:

Ok. Part one completed! I hope you all enjoyed! New updates will be every Wednesday, in case you didn't know that.

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

Make sure to follow me for future updates!

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed, bye bye😊

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