A hound of hell

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Both Alan and Edgar agreed to help you out of this predicament but the only way to help was to kill the head vampire, but you had no idea who it was. Whoever it was, you didn't want to kill any of them. There was something about the four of them that you loved but you didn't want to be a vampire. You could never hurt people like that, and you would never be able to get used to that kind of living. Whoever it would be, it would take forever to find out and would definitely cut into your work.

Knowing this, you had to call one of your employers to use some time off. You decided to call your employer, Max. When you called, there was no answer and you couldn't wait to get a response from him, so you decided to go to his house instead. He lived on a quiet house near a cliff with a nice walkway up to his front door and nice flowers surrounding his house. As you opened the gate, you quickly noticed his dog, Thorne, a white German shepherd, sitting outside and enjoying the sunshine but was quick to acknowledge you. "Hi Thorne"! Out of nowhere, Thorne started barking violently at you and started to charge at you which made you turn around and run for your life, screaming.

You looked back quickly to see the dog still chasing you but with murder in its eyes. You lunged over the gate and fell onto the ground to then see the dog try and attack you by trying to break the gate. You quickly got up and ran off to your bike to get away. With your heart beating fast, you kept biking and biking until you suddenly stopped on the side of the road. You pulled out your bag and pulled out the vampire magazine that was labeled as the survival guide and as you looked through it, there was the topic of the hounds of hell.

This made you confused and you turned your bike around to go to the comic store to see Edgar and Alan. Maybe they would know what to do. When you made it there, they were busy unloading some boxes of comic books but Edgar quickly spotted you. "What're you doing here"?

"I need your help"

"You know you shouldn't be here" Alan said.

"I almost got attacked by a hound of hell"! Both Edgar and Alan froze and looked back at you seriously. "Where"?

"At Max's house".

"Max? You mean the video store owner"? You nodded and they had more questions than answers. "Wait" you said getting their attention. "What if Max is the head vampire"?

"Why would it be him" Alan asked.

"Well... I don't know, he has a hound of hell-"

"But we don't know if it was a hound of hell. It was probably being territorial" Edgar said dismissively.

"Wait" Alan said. "Maybe it is him. Think about it, he only works the night shifts, has his dog guarding the outside and anytime I went in there, he had bad breath". Edgar could argue that it wasn't much to go off of but it somehow was enough to point fingers at Max. "Maybe" was all he said.

"So" you said, "What do we do"?

"We'll check out Max. (Y/n), invite him over for dinner at your place and we'll be there with supplies to expose that blood sucker for he really is" Alan said.

"Why my place"?

"If he is what we assume he is, we can't have our base of operations exposed" Edgar said. You sighed sadly but Edgar came up beside you. "Don't worry. Once we find out who the head vampire is, you'll turn back to normal. I promise".

"I sure hope so" you said adamantly.

Author's notes:

OK. Another chapter completed. I hope you all enjoyed! I have nothing else to say. Uhhh.....

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

Make sure to follow me for future updates!

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed, bye bye😊

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