Chapter 2

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The cold breeze softly hitting his face. The soft wind made him calm from whatever responsibilities he had for the day.

The man with the sharp jawline inhaled slowly. Admiring the view before him since he rarely got to do since he became the leader of the pack.

Standing at his balcony with his arms crossed, the man just stared off into the distance. Too caught up in his thoughts he didn't notice one of his guards came up behind him.

"Mr Park? Are you busy?" the guard asked.

Mr Park, known as Park Jongseong or Jay Park quickly turned around to face the guard.

He shook his head as an answer. "I'm not. May I know what business do you have here?"

The guard handed him a brown envelope. Jay received it and wasted no time to open and see the content inside of it.

"We found him the day after the Lieutenant sent us a message that he saw this person like the way you described it" the guard explained. "So we paid someone to find out about him and yes. We can confirm that he's the person that you had been searching for Sir" he added.

Jay nodded his head and gestured his hand to dismiss the guard. The guard gave a final bow to him before disappearing back into the castle.

A slight smile appeared on his face after seeing the picture he just got.

"I finally found you, hyung"

"Hyung, are you sure about this?" the slightly younger boy asked unsurely to the older one who was busy climbing the tree he had chosen as their supposedly treehouse.

The older looked down on his halfway up to look at the other boy. "I'm very sure about it Jongseong! Besides, my brother and father even helped me in building this! Although I feel like we need to rebuild the stairs again" he answered.

The young boy, named Jongseong huffed out softly under his breath. "It's Jay, not Jongseong" he said.

He took Heeseung's hand in his when the older reached out his hand towards him. The two of them carefully climbed up the big tree to reach the treehouse that Heeseung and his family had built.

When he arrived at the top, he looked around the treehouse and surprisingly, the house wasn't that bad.

"Not bad" he muttered under his breath.

The older gave him a big grin in return before making his way towards the bed in there.

"Let me sleep for awhile. I'm tired from all the training we did" Heeseung sighed out tiredly when his back met with the mattress of the bed. Jay only shook his head at the sight but still followed after the older.

He sat down at the side of the bed. Slightly away from Heeseung's body. "I thought we were supposed to do something productive" he complained but still laid down beside the older.

He got a chuckle as an answer. "This is productive. You can grow taller just by sleeping"

Silence engulfed the two. Enjoying the time while they still got a chance to do so.

Until Jay finally decided to break the silence. "Next year, you'll finally present right?" he asked. Turning his head to face the older who still had his eyes closed.

"Or maybe this year? I don't know. It's up to each person" the older replied.

"Do you think you'll present as what?"

Heeseung let out a long hum under his breath, thinking about what he should answer. "I think I'll just accept anything. It's not that bad to be an Omega, right?"

"No, of course it's not" he was quick to answer it without him noticing. Heeseung nodded his head.

"But hyung what if-" before he could finish his words, Heeseung already cut him off first. "Just be quiet and sleep Jongseong"

Jay complied with his command and turned to lie on his side, facing the older one. "Let me give you a back hug" Heeseung gave him a side-eye. "What are you? Five? We're both 16 and 17 respectively" but he still followed what Jay said and turned to lie on his side, facing the wall.

The two boys quietly lay there. Each of them were busy with their own thoughts.

The soft snores coming from Heeseung finally broke Jay's thoughts. He tightened his hold around the elder's waist before burying his face into his hair.

Jay sniffed the hair. Heeseung's hair always smelt so good and sweet. He quietly enjoyed smelling it whenever they were cuddling each other.

Heeseung didn't need to know that. Even if he did, he didn't say anything about it.

"Sweet dreams hyung" he said softly before following the older into a dreamland.


Jay walked downstairs and headed straight towards where he kept the horses. He bumped into one of his butlers on his way there.

"Please put all the papers in my room. I have somewhere important to be. Tell Junil that he's in charge while I'm away"

Without waiting for any answer, he continued his walk towards his main destination.

He couldn't wait to meet the person he had been searching for for years. So with his sword and guards ready, he took off to meet Heeseung. Not knowing that the older wasn't there anymore.

"To Caucasian. Let's go!"

Tears of Pain | HEEHOON, HEEJAY, HEEJAKEWhere stories live. Discover now