Chapter Fourteen | Snowy

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"Here have this

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"Here have this." Drishti said to Dushasan offering him two samosas as all the men went out of the tent to wash their hands but Drishti stopped Dushasan, who was mad at her for not giving him the Samosas, but now she gave it to him.

"Thankyou." He grinned at her taking the two in hands quickly eating one and instantly liking it and eating the other one too, asking for more from her but she shook her head laughing going out of the tent with him following behind her requesting.

"Oh come on just one more please." Dushasan pleaded but before Drishti could say anything she was interrupted by another voice.

"What one more?" Duryodhan asked.

Dushasan backed away a little wide eyed secretly shaking his head at Drishti to not tell him. Drishti grinned winking at him and turning to Duryodhan.

"Nothing, just Dushasan telling me to tell on more 'sher'." Drishti said.

"Sher?" Duryodhan asked confused, Dushasan also holding the same look.

"What you dont know what's a sher?" Drishti asked. Duryodhan shook his head clearly and Dushasan too but behind Duryodhan so he didnt see it.

"Oh, then," Drishti thought quickly and cleared her throat a bit dramatically beginning to say, "Arz kiya hai—"

"What?" Both brothers asked in confusion gaining a grumpy look fr Drishti.

Before she could say anything else she was interrupted by another heavy voice which belonged to Angraj Karn, "I think, we should all go to sleep, as we have to leave early in the morning."

"Yes, go to your tent everyone." Duryodhan said agreeing with Karn.

Mentally rolling her eyes Drishti turned to Dushasan jokingly, "Get some sleep, Bhrata Dushasan or we will have to stop tomorrow again"

Earning chuckles from Duryodhan, Drishti turned to leave but before that her eyes met Karn's, and she didnt know why but she stopped. She wanted to say something but didnt know what, so slowly her face crooked into a little smile and she left.

Tossing and turning around in her bed, Drishti struggled to fall asleep, due to today's long journey every part of her body ached. She sat up straight in bed tiredly groaning, sighing and looking around and all she saw was darkness with a few diyas twinkling.

Slipping out of bed she went out of the tent to get some fresh air, no doubt the place they stopped at was beautiful and she just loved living between the nature, away from all the internet, noise, people, just everything.

She decided she would roam around a bit, her maids were asleep because she told them to, as she just couldnt fall asleep with people around her watching her sleep.

As soon as she came out, the soldiers who stood outside her tent got alarmed, and asked her where she was going.

"Just here, dont worry." She said quietly.

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