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No, this is not an update or a chapter, this part simply consists of lots of things I, as an author have wanted to express. Its fine if you dont want to read further but before leaving— Thankyou for being a reader and part of this journey❤️

Ever since the idea of this book came to mind, I have been restless. For more than two years, I have stressed to give a quicker update to you guys, constantly day dreaming, building plot and storyline, forming dialogues and scenarios, editing the chapters again and again, I have finally come to complete this book. And while I should be happy and I am but a part of me feels empty that this book is over now and that I no longer will be stressing myself to write it.

I dont how to even express this but somehow Drishti became a part of my daily life since the last two years and suddenly it feels weird that I dont have to write it anymore. There have been moments when I'd wanted to drop this book because of how lengthy it got, time management and the clashing views of my readers that sometimes stung so bad, yet somehow I forced myself to complete it, maybe because the thought of leaving this book incomplete absolutely killed me.

I needed to reach the ending I planned two years ago or it'll all be a waste maybe?

And it feel so satisfying, so good to have complete this book, although it might take me some time to actually come out of the world I created in mind for Drishti. Ever since the book ended, I have been recieving lots of messages, comments and just everything directly or indirectly saying they didnt like the ending. I never wanted to justify it because it shouldn't be like that and am still not going to do it.

It was the decided ending that I wrote and published and am content with it. Before becoming the author to this book, I too have been a reader just like you. You can also say that I was the first reader of this book, even before it was penned down because I played it in my mind most of the time. This is the plot, the story and the ending, that I decided for my book.

Many of you loved the first half, many loved the second half whole there have been some who loved it throughout and I am grateful to ALL OF YOU. Recieving those kind, generous messages truly overwhelmed me because I never believed people would actually like the nonsense I pelt down daily. I read every single comment, since the first chapter, liked most of them and have tried to show how grateful I have been quiet often.

I wish I could write an alternate ending for the dissatisfied readers but I believe a book deserves truly one ending and should stick to it and this was mine. This is the ending I've wanted whole this time and its alright if you guys dont like it, its completely your choice. And being the first reader to my book, the ending that I got for myself is something I love beyond I can express. Maybe thats the only problem, I am still seeing beyond that written ending and probably thats why I am in love with it.

But as readers, the owners of your own imaginary world you too can decide the ending for yourselves💗😊

Rest all that I wanted to say was that you guys have helped me grow into whatever writer I became on this platform, It is because of your love and support my book flourished so thankyou for trusting the process, your patience and kindness, I deeply cherish it. Just like you guys, I too have smiled, laughed, cried and lived through every emotion surpassed in this book. We've all in a way lived Drishti's life reading this💕

So thankyou thankyou thankyou!!!

And Goodbye from Drishti.💗

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