3 - I'm Not Afraid of Anything Anymore

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If you've seen the anime, you probably know what's gonna happen next. But first, another fucking recap! Whoop-dee-doo.

So basically, Mami and (Y/n) teach Madoka and Sayaka the basics of becoming a magical girl. However, upon the part where the wish comes in, Madoka and Sayaka begin to have trouble deciding. To help them, (Y/n) suggests the idea of Mami taking the three of them on a few witch hunts, which they do. As more is taught about magical girls, they enter Gertrud's Labyrinth. Mami successfully defeats her with a little bit of help from (Y/n). After he goes home, Kyubey suddenly appears and tells (Y/n) that he can become not a magical girl, but a magical boy! And before you know it, he has powers!

And now, let's see if (Y/n)'s powers aren't so fucking useless and piss-poor.

(Y/n)'s POV

It's another day at school, and we're all listening to the teacher ramble on and on about pointless topics to start the day off. I was just about ready to fall asleep as usual. When the lessons actually started, I began paying attention. If it was something pointless like how you should fry your eggs, I dozed off.

Finally, we made it to a time where we had a break, and the students were able to talk among themselves. Turning to the girls, I decided to tell them about the miracle that had happened last night.

(Y/n): (Telepathically) So...you're never going to believe what happened last night.

Sayaka: (Telepathically) What happened?

(Y/n): (Telepathically) Kyubey paid a visit to my room, and...

Sayaka: (Telepathically) And what?

(Y/n): (Telepathically) Well...

I pointed to a choker around my neck. It had the lime green jewel known as my Soul Gem.

Madoka: (Telepathically) That's so cool! Where'd you get the choker?

(Y/n): (Telepathically) Ah, it's not just a choker.

Sayaka: (Telepathically) What are you talking about?

(Y/n): (Telepathically) Kyubey, why don't you tell them?

Kyubey: (Telepathically) He made a contract with me last night!

This instantaneously shocked both of them.

Madoka: (Telepathically) EHH!?

Sayaka: (Telepathically) But I thought...only girls could become contracted...

(Y/n): (Telepathically) Well...turns out that Kyubey's species has a bit of a loophole in their rules...Kyubey, can you explain it to them?

Kyubey: (Telepathically) I'm an incubator. Incubators such as myself can contract as many magical girls as we like. However, in terms of a boy, we can only contract one in our entire lifetimes. However, in order for this to work, the boy they want to contract needs to really want to become one.

(Y/n): (Telepathically) That's what I did, and so here I am now.

Sayaka: (Telepathically) I...honestly have no words.

Madoka: (Telepathically) Then you're now a magical girl...

(Y/n): (Telepathically) Nope! Not exactly at least. I'm now a magical boy. The first ever one in history at that.

Madoka: (Telepathically) Whoa...

(Y/n): (Telepathically) Unfortunately, I was never really able to see the powers for myself. Kyubey ended up waking me at 11:15 PM for this, so I was extremely tired.

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