One thing that really gets on my nerves is when someones life tragedies are used as an example for you to somehow feel more grateful for the life that you have, but all ive ever felt when someones tragedies were used for examples of why to be grateful, i just feel completely invalidated. It makes me feel like the tragedies that ive lived through dont matter, because this person supposedly had it worse. Everyone handles tragic situations differently, one person could go through being physically abused, but they could end up better than another person who was verbally/emotionally abused. it all depends on the person. I dont want anyones tragedies to feel invalid, because everyone has gone through hard times in their lives that they didnt deserve. but when people try and invalidate peoples tragedies with other tragedies, it makes people feel ashamed that they've felt depressed or upset over a tragedy, or that their problems arent as bad as someone elses so they should just keep their mouths shut because "people have it so much worse". Everyones life experiences are valid, and you shouldn't shame people into thinking that they dont have it as bad as someone else, you shouldn't try to make someone feel guilty because they feel bad for something they've gone through, and you shouldn't try and tell people that they're ungrateful because they feel bad about something that happened in their lives.