My Sexuality

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alright so...idrk how to start this buuuut here we I'm bisexual as probably 99% of you know, and there's a couple things I kinda need to say. first off, I don't really know what the fuck my sexuality is, all I know is that I've liked/loved guys in the past and that I've liked/loved girls also. bisexuality is kind of complicated I guess...but you can't really look at it as a 50/50 boy girl preference...I know that I like one side more than the other. most people sort of blow it off if they hear that the percentages are uneven, and just say based on which you like more, that you're gay/straight. it's not really like that. I'm not completely sure about my sexuality, but you sure as hell don't know more about my sexuality than I do. it might just depend on how strict your type is for either side, like for me honestly I have a more strict type for guys than I do for girls. honestly I've always felt a more passionate connection with girls, but it might just be dependent on the person themselves, not dependent on wether they're a boy or girl. so yeah there's that.

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