love is scary but exciting. it's risky but rewarding. it's dangerous but comforting. love to me is something that I've always taken very seriously. sadly not many people do. I don't like misleading relationships. I don't like false hope in love. if I love you, I'm going to for a long time, whether we're together or not. I fall in love pretty easily and I don't see that as a good thing. it makes me overlook things about a person that could hurt me. I never say things I don't mean. and when I say I love you, you better know damn well that I mean it with every ounce of my being. people who can say they love you more than anything one day, and drop you and become a stranger the next day are people will never be able to understand. I get attached to people easily. I hate how I handle love. it blinds me from seeing the bad side of people. I've been cheated on, played, abused, used, and abandoned by people who said they loved me. I trust people too easily. I believe people too easily. I always absentmindedly put myself in a vulnerable position. when I love someone, I'd give them anything and everything I could, I'd tell them how much they mean to me, and how much I love them every day. I'd help them when they're sad, I'd be there if they just want someone to vent to. there's no time that I wouldn't stop what I'm doing just to help them any way I could. I'd give them the world. I'd put them in front of anything else. I'd cherish and protect them as much as I could. but I haven't met one person in my life who was willing to do even half of what I'm willing to do.