chapter 2

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As a young adult with a disability, even if I were only your typical normal young adult attempting to navigate through adulthood, I would say that it wouldn't be easy, but I will sit back and see where this journey will take me. But let's not concentrate on all the bad parts, I was always told I would never walk as I was in a wheelchair from 3 years old until now. Then I got this new doctor, and he did some tests, and he gave me the best news ever that I could walk a little and there's no reason why I shouldn't be. So that's what we did we scheduled a surgery that would help me walk. 

After months and months of therapy and brace fittings, I have a walking brace that is called an RGO( Reciprocrapting Gait Orthosis) which is used with patients like me who have spina bifida, to be more exact, spina bifida with myelomeningocele to help us straighten up our backs when we walk. 

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