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Tommy woke up on the cool tile ground of a room that looked like it could be a visitors room.

“Oh wait, I was kidnapped like a couple hours ago.” Tommy groaned, getting to his feet and putting his backpack on the desk looking table.

Looking around the room again it did very much look like a visitors room instead of a cell or something.

“Huh,” he said, confusion stretching across his face.

He could hear footsteps above and below him but nowhere outside.

He made small steps towards the door as if the floor was littered with traps.

Tommy took the Door handle and tried to turn it to no prevail.

“Shot,” he whispered under his breath.

He went to sit back down, when the Door unlocked and two people came in with masks and black suits on.

“Tempest has requested to see you now that you have woken up.” One of the people said.

“And why would I go with you!?” Tommy snapped back.

“Because we are giving you a choice, we can always take that away.” the other person said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Fine, fine no need to get all Threatening” Tommy said walking up to them.

The first one who spoke gestured towards the door leading the three out.

The hallways were lined with the same black vines but it looked more painted on then real.

They rounded some corners and then came to two doors, one of the people opening one of the doors and the other staying behind him.

The person behind him pushed him in the room and then came in themself.

“Thank you for bringing him in here. Amethyst and Wolf you are dismissed.” A person said standing around a table. The voice coming from a Person in a light green hoodie and black jeans reminding him of a certain white masked rat.

The people behind him nodded and walked out the door.

“We’ve been expecting you.” said a voice in his head 

Tommy looked around for the source and saw a small black vine on his wrist.


Phil and Techno were rushing home from the hero’s tower, Frantic from Wilbur’s message.

Getting onto their street they slowed down just a tad so they didn’t have to catch their breath when they got home.

Wilbur was standing outside waiting for them. His whole body was shaking.

“Tell us what Happened mate.” Phil said when he got there.

“Ok so.. “ Wilbur took a deep breath.

“Tommy never came home after school so I Texted Tubbo and Ranboo to see if he was with them But they haven’t seen him either. So then I remembered that I didn’t check the mail, so I got up and checked it. This is what I found,” Wil said, holding the paper out to his father and brother.

Techno took one look at it like it was the ugliest thing in the world.

“What is it Tech?” Phil said turning to Techno.

“ That same codename was on the note at the bank.” Techno said, pulling another sheet of paper out of his pocket and showing the other two.

“So if they helped at the bank then why would they take Tommy?” Wilbur asked.

“No Idea, But i took this note to sam and there were no Fingerprints, The name wasn’t even in the Database for god's sake.” Techno replied, throwing his hands in the air. 

“We’ll find him,” Phil said, determined to find his son.

Forgetting the Black vines instantly. 


“You must be Tommy right?” I said looking to the boy from the place I was standing at the table.

The boy Nodded walking over to them.

“This is Tempest or Drista.” I said gesturing to said person,

“And I’m Wyvern or Wren.” I finished, Tommy nodding again.

“Why am I here?” Tommy said breaking the silence and looking up at them.

Drista looked at me and asked in my head “What’s the percent of the tests?”, “100%” I thought back.

Drista nodded and let me continue.

“Are you Powerless Tommy?”

“Of all I know yes” Tommy replied

“Well you're not,” I said the boy's eyes widened as I spoke.

“We took some tests and it turns out You can control vines like us.”

“Then why haven’t I gotten them yet?”

“It’s most likely that you haven’t been exposed, But by the vines on your wrist I’m guessing that Void has talked to you.” I shrugged.

“Who’s Void?” Tommy asked.

“The spirit inside the egg, Unlike the red egg/vines, the black vines are more helpful than controlling.”

“Oh” Tommy said, looking at the ground.

“So we have a choice for you.” Drista said, Tommy looking back up.

“You could stay with us for some time or we could take you home.” Drista finished.

Tommy looked around the room like there were a million eyes on him.

I put my hand on his shoulder and said “You can take a day to think about it but we need to send a letter to your family telling them where you are.”

“Umm, would it be ok if I stay for a little while?” Tommy asked, looking between the two leaders.

“Of course! One thing I forgot to mention, we are the wither cult.” Drista said.

“We’re gonna need a code name for you” I said Putting a hand on his hair, fluffing it up.

“Hmmm, How does Spectral sound?” Tommy said

“Perfect!” Me and drista replied

Everything was falling into place.


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