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Sorry I just dissapered for awhile this chapter kept getting me stumped.

1,290 words!

Posted this on my phone so hopefully it looks good!


Fighting, mentions of blood

I think the warnings are right, contact me if otherwise!


With great power comes great responsibility

And that great power is in my hands

But what if I don’t want it to be


Nikki was walking outside for the first time since Ghost and Atlas got back.

It’s not like she’s scared or anything, she just doesn't want to get kidnapped.

She hadn't seen her friend Eret in awhile so she’s going to his bookstore to hopefully see him.

She met Eret in college when they both were on the track to become heroes, they abandoned that track since you know, corrupt.

Eret was an interesting person, no one knew their family, only their friends…. And there weren't many. Nikki was one of the lucky few that Eret actually liked, along with most of the Wither cult but they got along the best.

Nikki turned onto Eret’s street, the bookstore was named Rainbow Books, or in other words the gay book store, it was very cosily decorated with fairy lights and a bunch of plants of all colors. Nikki’s favorite place in the book store was a little enclosed area where Eret let her cat roam.

Nikki crossed the busy street and found the front door to the bookstore. She opened it with a quiet chime of the bell above the door.

"Hello welcome to-" Eret cut off seeing Nikki "Nikki! Great to see you again!."

"Hi, Eret!" Nikki said walking over to them "how's it been" Nikki sat in a seat near the register where Eret was Stationed.

"Nothing much" Eret shrugged "how about you~" Eret shrugged looking at Nikki.

"Well I haven't been outside for awhile, so I thought I'd come see you." Nikki responded, looking at some of the books that she could see from her seat.

"So how's Wren been?" Eret asked, picking up a book and opening it's pages.

"Uhh pretty good" Nikki said, conjuring up the last conversation she had with Wren.

"Sorry not trying to be an interrogation person, but how's the new member?" Eret asked, turning the page in his book.

"No you're fine, I think he's doing good." Nikki replied standing up to grab a book. "He's really powerful though, almost as powerful as Drista if you think about it." 


Nikki fell to the floor with the sickening sound that ran across the city.

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