CHAPTER 7 - Miguel Hernandez

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"Mama?" I was in complete shock.

"Ay mija, I missed you so so so much!" Mom exclaimed.

"You're all grown up and you've gotten really pretty." Mom added, squeezing my cheeks.

"Thanks mama.." I said

Abuelo was here too. I hugged him.


As you guys know, I lived with my mom and abuelo in Mexico for like 11 or 12 years. My mom and dad have not been that close since I was born, Well... They're separated or.... divorced. It was fine for me and things weren't that complicated either. Moving to my abuelo's and abuela's, Abuelo isn't the type of person to laugh with. Yeah he's a serious person, doesn't talk that much, same with my abuela, my abuela doesn't talk that much but she's really sweet"


"So, what brings you guys here?" I asked, carrying their bags and luggage.

"Well... We're going to stay here for Christmas and New Years.!!!" Mom shrieked.

"Wow! That's great news, I'm so glad you guys are going to stay here for the holiday, I really missed you" I said.

"I know right... We can eat, celebrate, and have fun as a whole family." Mom said while kissing my abuela on the cheek. My mom was the sweetest, even though ma and pa broke up, she still cares for papa and also abuela. Well there's Abuelo sleeping on the sofa, he's probably exhausted.

I didn't go out. I decided to stay at home with my mom and abuelo. We talked about a lot of stuff. I even told her about the friends I made including Miguel and....... Camilo.

"Ooooo, Who are these guys?" Mom said with a look on her face

"What?? We're just friends..That's it" I said

"That's what I told my mama when she asked me about your papa..." She said , still having the look on her face.


"OK OK fine I'll stop" she laughed.

After a while, my mom and I fixed their things. Dad came in. He wasn't that surprised. But why?

"You're here!" Dad exclaimed

"Yeah we left early" Mom said hugging my dad

Wait, dad knew?? Why didn't he tell me that they were coming....

While my mom and dad were talking someone knocked at the door. They didn't seem to notice. So, I opened the door. It was Camilo.

"What are you doing here????" I whispered with a high pitched voice pushing Camilo outside. I pushed him cuz mom might see him and act really crazy.

"I wanted to give you this" He gave me a flower. A Red Carnation. We were outside, so mom and dad couldn't hear us.

"Oh-um thanks?" I said

"So.... You and Gloria?" I asked with a smirk

"What?? No, we're just friends.." He said

"Really, just friends, after you guys talked for so long...just friends?" I gave a bored expression.

"Yeah.. we are." he answered.

"Oh, there's Miguel!" He exclaimed, pointing at him. "You should talk to him." He said.

"What no.." I whispered

"Why.. You guys are friends and the last time I saw you too, you were really blushing..." he said.

"No...pfft.. blushing??...Me??" I said

"Miguel!!" Camilo shouted, calling Miguel.

"Why did you call him???" I whispered

Then Miguel went to us. Just go and talk to him like how I used to.

"Oh hey..It's you guys!" Miguel exclaimed.

"Yeah hey, know...y/n wants to talk and hang out with you.. " Camilo pushing me towards Miguel.

My eyes widened. I almost bumped into Miguel's chest. Damn it Camilo.

"Um, maybe something to say... I don't know... like... confessing...? Camilo said

"Uh well okay.." Miguel said.

I wanted to scream at Camilo.

"So... I should leave you guys here. I'll see you later y/n" Camilo said, walking away.

I didn't want him to leave, it was going to be embarrassing.


I was playing with the kids... When someone called me. It was Camilo and y/n... I knew there was something about them, they're always hanging out. I was a bit furious cuz me and y/n would hang out everyday. But Camilo seems like a nice guy.

"Oh hey!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah hey, know...y/n wants to talk and hang out with you.. " Camilo pushing y/n towards me.

"Um, maybe something to say... I don't know... like... confessing...? Camilo said

"Uh well okay.." I said

"So... I should leave you guys here. I'll see you later y/n" Camilo said, walking away.

I remembered the feeling whenever me and y/n would hang out. I felt it again. Well she's kind, sweet, funny, fun, smart, and also pretty.

BACK TO y/n's POV:

We were talking. He always makes me laugh, his weird jokes, and his silly expressions. I noticed something while we were talking. It was just like Camilo and Gloria talking to each other. It was like deja vu but different. Was Camilo trying to set us up? Just like how I set Gloria and him up.

"Uh... I should go now, I have to help my mom and abuelo. They just moved here earlier this morning." I said, holding the back of my neck.

"Really? That's good news!" "Well, I guess I'll see you around then..." He said making a *click* sound on his mouth.

I chuckled "I'll see you around too.."

I arrived home, opened the door.

"Mija, where have you been???" My mom said, hugging me real tight, as if I was lost for 2 days...

Well my mom has been overprotective since I was a kid, I still love her.

"Mom.. I'm okay" I chuckled.

"Good to hear.. Where have you been by the way?" Mom asked

"Uh- I-I was outside with a friend, I- I helped a friend." I said

"Hmm.. a friend..." Mom gave me the look again on her face.

"Mama??!!" I was annoyed but with a smile on my face.

I went to my room, having the thought that what if Camilo was setting us up.... Pfftt, It's not that big of a deal...... I'll just focus and concentrate. I grabbed my book to help me get rid of the thoughts in my head. I couldn't focus. Then random thoughts started popping out in my head.... The letter that dad had on his hand, The idea of setting Gloria and Camilo up, me and Miguel, Mom moving here.... Breathe.





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