Jordan (ノ゜ω゜)ノ

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Goddamit Jordan. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all those times I was a complete and absolute bitch. I'm sorry for all those times I've insutled you. I'm sorry for all the times I've actually hurt you and caused physical pain and just laughed about it. I'm sorry for all of it. Everything I did. Everything. You were- are my bestest friend ever in the whole entire human existence. I think I was your best friend. I know I didn't act like it but I appreciate you so much. So much. I love you more than my favorite pair of sweatpants. I swear to it. I'm sorry I didn't get to have you as my brides maid in my wedding (I kid) I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. I love you so much. So so much. You made my entire existence somewhat enjoyable. You were by my side when I needed you most.

                                                                              tay xoxo

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