Chap 1.

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She clipped her prosthetic leg to her artificial knee and rolled the silicon sleeve of her other prosthetic leg below her only 'flesh' knee. She folded and unfolded both of her legs, stretched her body, took a sweatshirt, and got ready for her morning routine, which consisted of, a run and callisthenics

Before closing the door, she took a look at Mei's closed door and left in the direction of the private park. While running she thought. 'Am I ready for the entrance day at the academy?', 'I have to take care of this girl, will I be able to do it?'. With all those questions running through her head, she ran, she ran at least five laps around the tracks. She continued her workout in the callisthenics section of the park and decided to take the time to organize her thoughts at the same time. 'First, her name is Catherine. I'll just call her Cat. She was discovered three months ago. Do I have to explain everything about Chaos and Tattoos to her?'. Blood rushed to her head while performing push-ups while doing a handstand. Suddenly, her lips stretched into a lustful grin. 'How will I break her?'

" Alex, come here! Breakfast is ready! " exclaimed Mei, Alex's 'mother'

Pushing up one last time, she launched herself in the air and managed to land on her feet with style. While heading home, she wondered what her new toy looked like. It appeared she had to wait for the year to start.

Mei was inside, waiting for her to arrive, near a table with typical breakfast stuff. I mean, what else did you expect? A torture chamber? * Walking to the table, she smiled at Mei, thankful for what she did.

" Wipe that stupid grin off your face, I told you that I would make breakfast until you go to the academy. "

" Yes, I know. Thank you. "

Mei decided to make breakfast one week before Alex entered the academy. There were only three days left... three days to enjoy peaceful days with her adoptive mother. It was bliss. Alex was extremely glad that Mei took her under her arm, especially at her age.

Indeed, Mei discovered her in an orphanage, when she was already thirteen years old, in a pitiful state, when she had already given hope of having a decent life. Mei appeared like an angel, saving her from the nightmare that was her life. Although, to be honest, she thought it was too good to be true. And it was. Turned out that there was a completely hidden world, filled with magic-like energy, and a messed up sense of morals. A world where only the strong could have a word. 'The Purple World'.

The Purple World allowed Alex to develop herself. Taught by Mei herself, she adapted herself to this new side of reality at a phenomenal speed. At first, she thought that it was like a game she used to play, but then, reality hit her. Quite brutally at that. This was how she forged her mind. This was how she got to this point in time. All of this was for survival.

Sometimes, before she goes to sleep, she wonders what would have happened if she never entered the Purple World. What would have happened to this anorexic child, bullied all day long just because she wasn't 'normal', this torture that even pushed her to hate herself and made her think she was better off... dead.

After breakfast, she headed for her room, which was more of a workplace than a bedroom, oil on the floor, metallic parts occupied the main surface of the floor, paper with blueprints of robot legs hid the walls behind them. In the middle of this mess was a tech ish' workstation with two legs on top of them, a wire for each of them plugged into a stone tablet.

Before heading to the desk, she took bubblegums from a little box next to the doorframe and headed to the chair floating next to it. Then slumped in it, causing it to 'bounce' in the air, and grabbed the stone tablet while putting her prosthetic legs on the desk.

She had finished her new legs a month ago. Thinking back at the monstrous work she put into them, she glanced at the only failed prototype that remained, as she recycled them, which was, in the wall. In a fit of rage and desperation, she had thrown it so hard that it got stuck in the wall. Why did she not take it apart was simply because after throwing it, she laughed so hard that even tears came out. Since it had broken through one of the toughest materials on earth. No other reason.

Coming back to herself, she circled her Chaos in the tablet, which caused it to light up, she circled more and the legs lighted up too. Even though the legs were built, it didn't mean that they could be used yet. They were not 'programmed' to function according to the normal way of chaos cultivation.

" Wait a fucking minute! Why do I need to use the standard cultivation method! I just need to create a new one according to the path of the legs and reform mine to create a new way, it might even be faster than before! "

Pulling a huge sheet of paper and spreading it across the desk, she took out a pen and started to draw lines, it looked like nothing, in the beginning, then it started looking like some child doodle, but progressively, it started to look more and more complex. More and more humanoid, but something was missing. Then she took the stone tablet, looked at it, and started a similar process, but this time the end result looked like legs, the missing part of the first drawing.

Figuring that she didn't want to construct another pair, she was left with a smart choice, actually remaking the pair and rewiring it differently, and what would have been a dumb choice: move her veins. That would have been stupid since any type of mistake would end up crippling a normal person. Alex looked at her... limbs and shrugged. What could happen in the worst case, leg paralysis? What's more, if she succeeded, she would have more control of her veins, in short, her strength.

She took off her baggy pants, having only her underwear on her bottom. Taking two belts from under her desk, she tidied them around her thighs to shut her blood flow. Opened a drawer and pulled two syringes and a scalpel. Using the syringes and anaesthesia, she numbed herself. Took a marker and drew lines on her thighs, but her trash bin under her chair then started to cut where she had drawn. Blood started to show. She continued, the third line, the fourth, the fifth, soon, she had finished her first leg. The blood started to flow. She switched to her second leg. Halfway through, the blood on her first led fell in the bin. She didn't care. The fifty-second line, fifty-third, fifty-fourth. The blood on her second leg flowed too. Near the end, a red liquid formed a puddle in the bin.

In the end, her legs were filled with scarlet lines, but something was weird. In some of the lines laid purple veins. The veins she wanted to move. Out of the same drawer, she took the scalpel, took a pair of tweezers, carefully lifted the veins. The pain was huge, and Alex thanked the anaesthesia, for she could have collapsed if she hadn't taken it. Alex placed it in an empty line. The pain went away, but she couldn't take a breather, she had to act fast before she get tipsy, for the worst was still to come. And so she acted, replacing all of her veins as fast a possible. When she finished, the puddle had doubled in size. Realizing this, she took the nearest stapler and stapled half of the carvings.

She then took out an iron block, and a bag full of white needles. Even though she had to be fast, she couldn't help but look at her right arm, some bumps could be seen on her white paper-like skin. She had to cut herself to carve the bone, it had healed, but Alex could still remember the pain when she carved the bone.

Waking up out of her daydreaming, she put the iron block in her mouth, breathed in, the air had a metallic scent, not because of the block but the trash bin, breathed out. Realized that she could do this differently, and only placed the needles in the carving. Stapled them into place and grabbed steel shackles from under the desk, weirdly of the same colour as the belts, and placed them on top of the needles. Needles that only the top could be seen. Alex tightened both of them at the same time. Then, she proceeded to faint.

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