Chap 2.

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   Cat was scared. It all happened so fast, she needed to organise her thoughts, since she still had her handbag she could take out her block note and list down what happened.

First, I was told that my father's family found me, which I was always told was almost impossible.

Second, this sort of magic existed called Chaos.

Third, I am apparently part of a big clan called the Nine-Tails.

Fourth, lot lot of people here want me dead.

On one hand her only way out of this madness was by the academy, but on the other hand, she could also be in a lot of danger in it too.

"Knock knock".

The door opened, without leaving Cat any time to answer, although just barely to hide her notes.

"Good evening." It was a man in a butler suit. "Miss Catherine, you have been summoned by the matriarch. Please follow me."

"N-now? But I am not ready!" Replied Cat her hand still in her bag, acting a little naive.

"Unfortunately yes, it was an immediate summon." The butler responded.

"Al-alright, I'll come." She wanted to ask why, protest a little, but she was in enemy territory. She was at her family's main house, which looked more like a manor than anything.

"Don't I have to dress up or something?" 'If I have to live here for a while, then I have at least to get on their good side. Even more, if they want to kill me.' Cat was looking around for something that may help her in this situation.

"No, it'll be alright. Although I advise you to leave your bag here, we wouldn't want someone to accidentally sneak in an eye now, would we?

'Wait, how did he know?' Thought Cat, but she dropped her bag on the ground and headed in the direction was leaving.

On the way to the meeting room, where she would meet the matriarch, she tried to gather her thoughts on what to say, and how to act, she had to act as pleasing as she could.

The mansion was quite magnificent, or in other words, it was too shiny. E.V.E.R.Y T.H.I.N.G was sparkling. Even the floor is made of wood. It wouldn't be surprising if the dirt outside was shiny. Or the flowers were made out of crystals. Even the door in front of them was shiny, the door was the person with the highest authority.

She took a deep breath and the butler opened the door as if in a queue. Inside the room was a table, again unnecessarily big and shiny. Near the end, was one person, a mature woman was sitting on a chair that looked more like a throne than anything else. She had red hair, like her, and wore a sort of kimono with flowers brooded onto her sleeve.

"Come inside, do not me wait." She ordered though it sounded more like an advice than an order.

So, she entered. While crossing the doorway, a weight seemed to have appeared on her limbs.


It was clear and straight. The voice came from behind the woman, from a man that was well built but had an air of fake authority, as if he was just the son of a rich family that did nothing other than wasting his time on nothing and everything and spending off the money of his family. In short, he looked like a doofus

This made Catherine smile, but out of respect for the woman in front of her, she still did so and took a chair to the right side of the table and not at the end, she had to act politely and carefully if she wanted to survive in this crazy world where magic existed. For all she knew, her head could well explode at any moment now if she made any mistake.

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