Chapter 8: Stalking

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“No, No, No, close but no, No, No” You were rummaging through your closet, throwing the dresses you find uninterested to the floor while your maid stood behind you.

“Hm.” You took one dress then you went to the tall mirror as you tried to fit the dress in but soon found it lame to you took it off then you went back to your closet.

“Urgh! These are so lame!” You grumbled as you shut the closet door close then you went to your bed, sitting on the sheets as you looked at the dresses that were scattered on the floor.

“Tsk.” You clicked your tongue then you turned to your closet again.

“Should I shop for some clothes?” You asked yourself as you placed a hand on your chin.

“Len, can you please clean this mess up? First, tell the driver to prepare downstairs.” You said as you pushed yourself up then you walked towards your closet picking a white tube paired with tight jeans.

You looked at yourself in the mirror before picking your bag up.

When you arrived in the mall, you went straight to where they display different brands of clothes. There were a lots of nice clothes there but you nothing really caught your interest you just picked whatever you saw nice as the butler followed behind you holding the clothes. Nothing caught your eyes except for the bright turquoise dress that was displayed in mannequin. It reminded you of Souya's hair and his eyes.

The thought of him made the corners of your lips curve up involuntarily.

What would he think if he sees you with that dress? Would he love it? You reached a hand to the dress when—

“(Y/n).” It was Amanda with her butler following behind her with a bunch of clothes in his arms. He seem to be struggling. Same with your butler. The both of you had a staring contest. The tension around you thickened then she broke the silence.

“Are you shopping for dresses?” She asked.

“Well, isn't that obvious?” You sniggered as you folded your arms over your chest. The blonde only chuckled at your sarcastic retort then her eyes veered to the dress.

“I came here to buy some dresses for a date and I think this dress is the perfect one.” She muttered as she brushed her fingers on the dress which you slapped.

“I saw it first.” You said through your gritted teeth as you hardened your glare at her. She wryly smiled as she looked back into your eyes.

The both of you raced towards the cashier since you couldn't carry the mannequin. The two of you ran like your life depended on it when you reached the cashier, you fished for your card about to hand it to the cashier when—

Amanda's card was slid first.

“Guess I won this battle. Amanda one, (Y/n) zero.” She sniggered. You could only clench your fist as you glared at Amanda. The dream of you showing Souya the dress was being crushed just like that.

The moon shined brightly above your room as you sat on the window, looking at the stars that were scattered abroad.

You were still irritated by thought of Amanda and the dress. You jumped down the window to your floor as you walked towards your bed, burying yourself under the sheets.

Kicking and yelling under the sheets then you sat up. “That bitch had to ruin everything!” You gritted your teeth at the thought of her.

The next morning, you were sitting on your seat, listening at the teacher's discussion about mathematics. Well you weren't really a fan of it. In fact, you hate that subject more than you hate Amanda and your bitchy family.

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