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After few days:

Arnav's POV:

Kushi was still having morning sickness and every morning is horrible. Every night I would look at her sleeping and wish that I could take all her pain away. Maybe men are destined to endure pain in different way it seems. I was amazed by her will power. Even Though she is sick, she makes every effort for the baby. She eats whatever we ask her to without hesitating, knowing very well that she will puke it soon.

Next day was no different. She puked less if she had bread and juice so we gave her the same. It seemed to work at times so I was little releived. We are both eager to see our baby and were waiting for our next doctors appointment. It was also hard to hide it from other family members. Ria the detective, was sniffing but I tried to hide it from her as if she knows the entire world knows.

My mom and kusht's mom came up with new health drinks for her to stop her morning sickness and make her healthy. Kushi didn't refuse those which amazed me. Kushi Kumari is not that person who compromises with food. Eventhough she was eating a lot of sweets at times she also ate all kind of medicines. She was scrolling on her phone smiling when I went to her and sat with her

A: kushi

K: yes Mr Arnav

A: you seem to be in a good mood

K: kind of

A: that's awesome....are you really my wife?

K: what????

A: the fact that you eating whatever asked for is amazing me

Kushi went silent...she just looked into Arnav's eyes with love

K: I never thought I could get pregnant and here I am

With that kushi's eyes started to tear

A: hey baby, why are you crying???

K: you know that I had pcod for a long time

A: yes baby, but now you are not

K: years before I thought I could never get pregnant. I always had issues so it was my greatest fear that what would I do if I couldn't get pregnant...only after I met you, you helped me change my lifestyle and everything fell into right place...
So I will do everything to give birth to my baby healthy

Kushi was looking down not able to look at Arnav and tears were falling

A: look at me kushi...

He lifted her face and made her look into his eyes

A: you are the love of my life. I am gonna love you no matter what, so stop this unnecessary thoughts. I wouldn't let go of you even if we stay childless, but that's the past...now we are gonna have a child soon....focus on that alone...everything's gonna be ok...understood?

Kushi nodded her head and she felt like she had dropped a heavy burden

Arnav wiped her tears and hugged her. He was sad that he couldn't read what was in her mind, but he was glad at least she was able to let her burden now. As she was in his embrace he could sense her breathing getting back to normal.

A: feeling better now?

K: yes

He tried to pull her apart and see her face but kushi didn't want to. She continued to hide her face in his chest

A: how long are we gonna stay like this?

K: till I say so

A: do you have anything like this buried deep inside. If yes, let it all out. I'm all ears

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