→ Beautiful things

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"Ouch"The boy yelped rubbing his head that got bumped into a tree branch as he was walking, looking at the pictures that he took.

"The pictures aren't as beautiful in pictures. Eye's are still the best"He whispered and smiled.

"I agree,Tine. So let's throw away your camera"Dew said and Tine rolled his eyes at his new bestfriend.

"I'd rather throw you away"Tine slapped the boy's arm and Dew just shook his head as they walked forward.

He once again held up his camera to click a picture of the wide ground in the park.

"What're you doing now? What's so good here?"Dew asked looking around. There were nothing special than families or couples hanging out, children's playing with eachother and some enjoying alone in their own world.

"Look at all of them. This one day off for everyone,they all look so happy. Isn't that beautiful? Like I always say-"

"You have great love for beautiful things"Dew said and Tine just shrugged as he walked further with his bestfriend.


Sitting alone in a park bench under a big tree, he felt something gently falling on his body everytime a gentle breeze blowed by, and it turned out to be the flowers from the tree that didn't had much scent even when he held a flower closer to his nose,must be cherry blossom. He was too immersed in reading the book in his hand that he didn't found the excited shouts of children's and lovey dovey conversation of the couple's and all the noises from the people who were around as a big distraction. It was fine for him as long as none of them went to him and interrupted his personal space.

"Can I take a photo of yours?"he heard a soft, soothing and clam voice near him and he knew it was directed towards him as the person touched his shoulder gently when he didn't responded.

"Excuse me,can I take a photo of yours?"The male voice asked again and his body stiffened under the gentle touch and he moved away slowly.

Retrieving his hand from the book that was laying open on his lap that he was reading a minute ago,he closed it and looked up to nowhere.


Tine pov•

I was out in the park with my dorky bestfriend that I'm grateful to have made on the first day arrived in the here,which was exactly like 5months ago. However the boy couldn't keep his eyes off some boy that he seemed to have grew an interest on. And that's how he ditched me to be alone and went to find him saying he saw him around.

I heard some loud shouts from behind and turned around to see a group of kid's playing some kind of Game,they all looked so happy. I couldn't help but capture a picture of them without disturbing them. One thing is for sure that after a few more years' more than half of them will lost their genuine innocent smile and also they wouldn't be so generous. After all when we grow up we'll grow greedy no matter how much we don't want to admit it.

Suddenly my gaze got struck on a beautiful view through the lens of my camera.

A boy wearing white shirt and black pants, he's a little away from where I was standing. I admit that view's are more beautiful when you see it with your own eyes that through camera and thus, I couldn't help but held my camera down and take look at him. He had some book in which his eyes were fixed on, his dark brown hair slightly falling to his forehead and some cherry blossom on his body that must be from the tree he was sitting below. Even from far I can't help but totally admit that he looked so amazing that his looks alone can make anyone melt.

"Woah"gasping slightly, I walked past the kids, moving closer to him.

I find myself being drawn to his handsomeness that my heart was excited when I finally realised that I'm standing just a few steps in front of the male figure what could be defined as aesthetic.

𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑚𝑦 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑏𝑜𝑦 (𝑆𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑤𝑎𝑇𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝑓𝑓) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now