→ This Love is Difficult

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She was looking at the old albums in her room when her husband came into the room unexpectedly.

"Oh, you're early-"

"Where's Sarawat?"he asked to his wife who put the album down.

"He said he's going to the library. What happened? You look disturbed"She said concerned and he was trying to calm down as he can't let his wife know everything.

"Nothing....... I just, I just wanted to talk to him"He said and she frowned, suspicious.

"What's so important that you came home early? Is it about his grades? Honey,they are top as usual-"

"No no,you won't understand"He sat down on the bed and she looked at him worried.

"Should I call him and ask him to come back?"She asked and he looked at her.


"Aaah, I wanted to hear you play piano"Tine pouted and Sarawat smiled.

"I'll meet you tomorrow at park and let's go to my teachers house or you can go there first. I'll come there"Sarawat said as he stood up and Tine followed.

"Umm,is everything okay? Your mom never really called when you are out"Tine asked a bit hesitantly and Sarawat also frowned a little.

"She sounded a bit worried. I hope everything is fine, don't worry"Sarawat said and Tine hummed.

"I'll walk you to the busstop"Tine said and Sarawat nodded.

Tine looked at Sarawat sitting in the bus,head straight and Chuckled lightly before sighing.

"I bet he wouldn't want to be with me if he knows"Tine said to himself as he turned around.


"So, Sarawat, where were you?"His father asked and he gripped on the stick a little more tightly.

"I was at park but then I went to a cafe to get some coffee"Sarawat said and his father frowned.


"Y-yes"Sarawat didn't knew why he had to lie, but the intimidating tone in his father's voice made him sort of nervous.

"Really? You should get some good friends,Wat. And should stay away from dangerous one's"His father said and he couldn't help but frown a little.

"I'm fine,dad"He said nevertheless.

Sarawat's mom was watching everything and wondering why was her husband suddenly talking to their son about this. His father looked concerned earlier.

"Do you have any plans for tomorrow?"His father asked and he stayed silent for some time.

"I want to go to library if there's nothing else for me to do"Sarawat said and his father hummed.

"Okay son, sorry if I hurried you here. I suddenly felt like seeing you, you know, I care about my son very much and don't want anything more bad happening to him"His father said with care and he smiled.

"Sure,dad"he got up and slowly walked away to his room, leaving his parents to converse alone.

"What was that just now?"Sarawat's mother sat down next to her husband.

"Nothing honey, I just wanted to know about his friends. Do you know anyone?"He asked and she looked at him.

"Well, he's been talking about someone named Tine. Why?"she just found everything about her husband's behaviour just today suspicious.

And then he smiled at her gently, "Just asking. Since our son is quite a softie at heart, I'm just worried others might want to take advantage of him"He said and she smiled. She knows that his father cares for their family a lot even if he sometimes fail to express it.

𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑚𝑦 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑏𝑜𝑦 (𝑆𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑤𝑎𝑇𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝑓𝑓) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now