→ It was close.......

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He sat on the bench in the backyard, staring at the big tree in front of him, but he wasn't seeing anything. He was so lost in thoughts. Sarawat's brother explained it as the sorrow of losing their father. He never skipped a day of college after the funeral. It's already being three months since the things happened. He was now too scared to be happy because in his mind he fixed it that,if he was ever beginning to be happy it means he was soon going to loose someone, someone that made him smile.

Sarawat felt someone sitting near him and he shifted his gaze to the person. His mother looked weak, black under her eyes, looking older than ever. She used to be so strong and cheerful, beautiful, but now it all faded away.

She placed her hand on his knees and he put his hand over hers, "Mom,have you had lunch?"

"Your sister wouldn't give me peace if I don't"She chuckled sadly, it made her sad that she got two loving sons and a caring daughter in law yet she couldn't show them a happy face after her husband passing away.

"You didn't had class today?"She asked and he sighed.

"It's weekend-"

"Aaah I forgot"she chuckled lowly and he just smiled a little a nodded as if it was okay.

"I forget a lot now. I'm aging faster now"she said and he looked at her.

"I was going through your father's belongings, I found something. I put it in there without noticing when I put his things aside. He asked me to give it to you the day before he...."She let out a heavy sigh without being able to complete the sentence and he held her hand firmly in his.

"I'll be okay"She said giving him a reassuring smile before taking a small box that she kept besides her and gave it to him.

"What is this?"he asked hesitantly taking it from her and she shook her head.

"I haven't checked. He said it's for you"she said and patted his shoulder.

"It's starting to get dark, you should go inside,dear. It'll get colder"She reminded as she stood up slowly and he stood up holder her hand and walking into the house with her.

"Ah,Wat, you haven't ate yet. Come on, I'm not going to heat the food up again"Katherine said and Tine looked at Mark to save him but he just shrugged and went back to reading emails from work.

"Sister, I'm really not hungry-"

"You want me to take your little Polaroid away?"Katherine asked crossing her arms and Sarawat sighed.

"I'll eat"he said and she scoffed.

"Such a grown man. I don't see how I can control you with that little Polaroid but I like it"she said chuckling as she put a plate on the table and started serving the food.

"Come on,come and eat fast"She said and Sarawat really wanted to smile because before he really did thought and she really was rude to him but since it changed she has always been a caring and loving sister for him.

"Ah Mark, I've contacted mom's doctor and he wrote down some medicines for her. Collect it on you way back,hmm?"she asked as she grabbed a coat and helped Mark put it on and Mark kissed on her forehead and nodded.

"Don't be too late"She reminded and Mark waved his hands at his mom and Sarawat before packing his laptop.

Sarawat's mother stared at them all with a small smile,it seemed perfect there,it felt like a happy family but why can't she be happy?

Sarawat couldn't eat all of the food his sister in law prepared but he made sure he didn't got her angry as he finished eating and walked upstairs.

"Shall I order fried chicken for you for dinner, since you don't eat much from what I make"His sister asked and he chuckled lowly as he replied, "I'd rather eat what you make,Kath"

𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑚𝑦 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑏𝑜𝑦 (𝑆𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑤𝑎𝑇𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝑓𝑓) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now