A Deal With The Devils

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As they left Satoru was admiring them.' My ship is sailing again.'  He thought with a cheerful smile on his face, like a kid on a Christmas morning who got the present he wanted. The two teens were looking at him creeped out.

"So my students what do you think about the couple there." Satoru said. His creepy smile never left his face.

'Oh no. This isn't going to end well.' Megumi thought.

"Gojo-sensei i don't think this is a good idea. You don't even know if L/n-san is single." Megumi said with a serious tone.

"Nonsense Megumi, they are the perfect couple. But what did you mean by saying 'if she is single." The 'teacher asked with curiosity as he mocked Megumi's statement.

"I hate to admit it but they look cute together." Nobara agreed with the man-child.

"It is not my place to say but.." Megumi hesitantly spoke up.

"But, spell it out! We are talking about fucking Y/N L/N!"Nobara yelled impatiently.

"They are rumours that she is in a secret engagement." Megumi finally spoke up.

As soon as Megumi finished his sentence both Satoru's and Nobara's mouths dropped to the floor.

"Look i don't know if the rumour is true but looks like she isn't interested." Megumi tried to calm them down.

Grey Queen{ Sukuna x Reader x Yuji }Where stories live. Discover now