Breakfast and mission folders

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'Mornings have never been Y/n's cup of tea. She always preferred doing things under the moonlight. She always has been a night owl even as a kid. Her mother always had trouble putting her to sleep, but everything changed when she started training. She began waking up early in the morning to train. Today is nothing different. Except for the fact she is in Japan. But who cares?

The L/n clan heir was sleeping soundly on her soft mattress enjoying the softness of her pillow and the warmth which was provided by her covers. The only problem was the fact that she was sleeping at the very end of her bed.

She was having a very pleasant dream. She was sitting in a garden full of begonia flowers. Lying on the grass just gassing the clouds in the sky. But the peaceful moment had to be ruined by a bee. The bee flew from one flower and then landed on Y/n's nose as she made herself comfortable on her nose.

Her attention shifted to the bee which was looking inside her soul. She never had a fear of insects but this bee. Without having time to have a proper reaction she panicked. Resalting her waving her hands to the bee to make her go away but luck was on by her side, which led her to roll over in the grass in her dream. But in real life was a different case.

Have you ever had one of those vivid dreams that make you fall from your bed? Well, the same thing happened to Y/n as well. The girl rolled out of her bed, making a loud noise in the proses. She let out a heavy growl as she woke up rather roughly.

' I hate my life.' She thought as she felt her back hurt.

' That hurt.' She complained on her head.

Not feeling like getting up she stayed there for a minute until a pink-haired boy basted throw the door, violently opening it. 

Meanwhile, a pink-haired boy was walking back to his room after he washed up ready to start his morning. But on his way, he passed Y/n's room. Surprised by the loud noise he opened violently the door as negative thoughts run through his head.  Yuji looked around the room panicked desperately trying to find the resource of the noise.

"Over here cotton candy." The girl got up from the hard floor and stretched her body, earning a questioning look from the boy.

Grey Queen{ Sukuna x Reader x Yuji }Where stories live. Discover now