Tiny and Adorable {Bonus}

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Screams were heard coming out of the private hospital room that held Antonio Peretti and his wife Melissa, who was in the process of telling her husband how much of a dick he was.

He ignored her, like he had the past five times she had been in the exact same position. The only reason her was holding her hand was so he could squeeze it tightly when Melissa chose to disregard the midwife.

Outside the room seven males were sat around in the corridor, buzzing with excitement.

The screams of their mother didn't bother any of them – the eldest two finding it rather therapeutic and satisfying.

Also, Luca had been there and listened to it all so many times that he was used to it.

He and Nicolo leaned against the wall next to each other. They watched the door intently so they could make a swift appearance the moment the midwife showed their face.

None of the brothers were sure as to why their parents were having another child; they had all been raised primarily by nannies and the staff because their father was constantly working, and their mother never bothered with them.

Even the youngest understood the neglect their parents put them through wasn't normal, and that their new sibling would be thrown into the miserable cycle of loneliness.

On the other hand, he was glad that he would no longer be the baby of the group and hoped they would let him help with the baby.

Luca bit his cheek as he messaged some of the security team that was scattered around the hospital. He didn't want anything to go wrong today.

Antonio had ordered his men to be alert all day, and left Massimo in charge of ensuring his orders were followed.

Normally, Massimo wouldn't have concerned himself with making sure as he knew the men would never disrespect Antonio's commands, but he felt weirdly attached to the unborn child.

That was the same for all the brothers.

They felt it strongly enough to hide all the alcohol in the house, and made the guards watched Melissa closely to guarantee the safety of her baby.

Melissa sighed in relief as the last part of the parasite that had been living in her body came out.

She hated being pregnant – saying that it ruined her model figure and was criticized for doing what she wanted while carrying Satan's spawn

She looked up to see her husband staring at the medical professionals in the room and felt him remove his hand and step away, making her roll her eyes and scoff.

Melissa then glanced in the same direction as Antonio, seeing all the people she had had for the past seven births frozen and staring at the crying baby.

Dr. Lowrance, the oldest specialist in the room was the first to swallow his shock, "Congratulations, Mr. & Mrs. Peretti," he gulped, "It's a girl."

The parents didn't say a word.

The brothers leapt to their feet when they saw the midwife exit with a small bundle in her arms and were about to follow before Massimo held them back, sending some guards with her instead.

He didn't even know if it was healthy yet, and couldn't risk his brothers worsening any issues, or being heartbroken to find there was.

"But Luca..." The triplets whined to him at the same time.

Massimo only shook his head, making them sigh.

Ryan snickered and slapped the back of George's head, as his younger brother was staring at the empty corridor the midwife had just walked down, with his mouth hanging open.

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