Meeting again.

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[Takes place two years after Sherlock 'dies'] THIRD PERSON POV
John stared at his friends grave stone, Silent tears falling down his face.
"Please, Sherlock, I've asked you before. please, please, stop being dead."

Johns POV
I sighed, the tears continuing to fall. It was too cold for this, it was the beginning of December and freezing.

My tears drying quickly after they fall; due to the wind. I stood up hesitantly, hoping no one heard. Although, it was doubtful anyone did.

Here I am, in the beginning of winter, mourning at my friends two-year-old grave. It hurt me to visit, but it would be painful not to.
I had always loved Sherlock, from the moment I met him to this very second.

I wish I would've told him sooner, now I'm stuck talking to a grave. "Please...." I looked at the grave, Sherlocks name written beautifully. I normally kept it clean, I wouldn't have any less for Sherlock. "I love you, so much, Sherlock..." The tears were falling harder now. Shivering slightly, I wrapped my coat tighter around me. "I should probably leave, before I catch a cold." I said to myself, or more to the grave sitting in front of me. "I...I'll be back tomorrow, I miss you..oh, so much.." I looked away, taking a deep breath.

As I turn around I see a silhouette of a tall, thin man. His voice landing at my ears. I've heard the voice before. "I miss you too, John.." My breathing stopped, Sherlock?! He's alive?! "S-Sherlock?" I said in a weak, trembling voice. "Yes..." The voice- Sherlock said. I stared at him.
The man, my best friend, who died two years ago, was standing in front of me.

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