News and snogging

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A knock was heard at the door. I groaned, had we fallen asleep? I looked out the window, the sun was shining. At its position I would say it was about 9.AM. It's to early for this.

I looked down at John, he laid there peacefully, his head gently resting on my chest. I smiled to myself, I was so lucky to have such a beautiful man and being able to call him mine.... Mine. I could get use to that.

Another knock was heard, and a voice calling from the other side. "Sherlock, John?" At hearing his name, John stirred. My smile quickly vanished when John removed his head from my chest. "Hm? Oh, Miss Hudson?" He said, in a scratchy morning voice.
Miss Hudson took that as a cue to come in. I groaned again. "Good morning boys!" She smiled when she saw us. "Morning." John and I had said this at the same time.

I looked into his eyes as he stared back into mine. I mouthed the words 'I Love You' to him. He blushed and did the same. 'I love you too, Sherlock.' I smiled and moved my eyes back to Miss Hudson, who had ruined the moment to ask if we wanted tea. We both replied to a simple 'yes'.

I kissed John quickly then got up, thinking it would be rude if I just laid there. I stretched and yawned. "Oh, did I wake you?" Hudson said, worry in her voice. "Yes." I said, at the same time John saying "No." We stared at each other and he winked. It wasn't a flirty wink, no, more of a playful, funny wink. Like the one I had given him the day we met. He looked adorable when doing that. In fact, he looked adorable in most everything he did. John stood up, as well, grabbing my hand. I felt sparks climb up my arm, much like the day our hands were cuffed together and I told him to hold my hand. John jumped slightly at the feeling, this time it was my turn to wink, although, this one more suggestive than that of which John had sent me. John noticed the difference and blushed, his face as red as a 'tomato' as I believe people say.

Miss Hudson soon after brought us our tea. "So, how's life been treating you?" She said as she smiled, rather widely, may I add. "Good." John replied, I looked at him and nodded. "Very good." I had said, pulling John closer. He blushed and I smiled. Miss Hudson noticed our looks and jumped up. "I guess I'll be going." She said, quickly leaving the room.

I pulled John into my body, looking down at his face, which was redder than ever. I smirked and bent to his level, kissing him. He quickly started kissing back, his hands trailing up to my neck. I wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him off the ground and straightening. This time I blushed, as John pulled his fingers through my messy curls. I blushed even harder. Reason? Because I purred. I, Sherlock Holmes, have just purred like a cat.

John seemed to enjoy this as he continued to play with my hair, smirking against my lips. My hand slipped under his shirt and- There was another knock on the door.

I froze, as did John. He separated his lips from mine. I whined at this and carefully put him back down. I quickly made my way to the door and opened it. There standing at my door, was Gahramm and Mycroft. Or was it Greg? Ah, whatever. "Hello, bother dear." My brother said, pushing past me and shaking Johns hand. "Mycroft, Gary." I said, walking back over to John. "It's Greg." Gahrahm said as he sighed, or, Greg. "Greg, Gary, same difference." John rolled his eyes and laughed.

"Why are you out of breath, brother?" Mycroft said, a smirk on his lips. "Oh, nothing. Just having... A holding breath contest?" I said, unsure. John blushed, looking at me. "Sure." Greg said. "Anyway, what are you two doing here?" John said, thankfully changing the subject. "Oh yes." Mycroft said. "There is a case." Greg finished. "And this involves Mycroft, how?" This time they blushed. "We also have some news." Mycroft said, his blush fading a bit. Greg looked into Mycroft eyes. It didn't take much to guess. "Were, uh...Together."
John smiled and stood up. "Congrats!" He said, shaking their hands. I just laughed. "What a coincidence." I said, this left an odd look on their faces. "How?" Said Greg.

John coughed akwardly, answering this question. "Were...also together." John looked at me. "Is that right, Sherlock?" I nodded. Smiling, proud in myself. Greg's mouth dropped open. "Oh please Greg. you'll catch flies." I said, chuckling a bit. Mycroft rolled his eyes.

"Anyway, about that case." John said. "Oh, yes. Sherlock." Greg said, looking at me. "Two murders, each different but yet, the same. Mind coming down this after noon? I'll text you the address." I nodded. It's been so long, I couldn't wait. Mycroft stood. "Well, we better be off. We'll see you two later." He grabbed Greg's hand as they left. I looked at John. "So, where were we?"

[Hey! Sorry the making out part wasn't that great, wasn't sure how to write about it XD Also, may I warn you, I may not be that good at the crime scene. Hopefully it will be fine but who knows]

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