Chapter 3 - To fall in love

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Lisa's drama of chasing Jungkook was still performing. It had become a small scene in University A. Lisa's courtship for Jungkook was the most unique because of her aggressiveness and thick skin.

But no matter how clever Lisa is, her skills are childish to Jungkook.Jungkook always let her stir up trouble. He waited until the trouble had ended and he would expose her. He would then appreciate her uneasy expression. Fortunately, Geng Lin Lin didn't know about Jungkook's dark thoughts otherwise she would have to spit out blood.

Finally, Lisa couldn't take it anymore, to outwit him is out of question! It is not that our army is too incompetent but that the Communist army is too cunning, too cunning, too cunning...

When Fang Rui's collar was pulled back and shook by Lisa, he touched Lisa's head and smiled proudly, "Just give up then. To be honest, it is just a broken stone. Even if you manage to chase after it, it is not like you can keep it."

Lisa covered her head and hid, "Qu, qu, qu! If you didn't help me the other time, I...."

Fang Rui mercilessly said, "You, what you? The second, third, fourth and fifth time I also helped? It is just that you threw you away your shield and armour. In the end, you can't even get a band-aid. Heh Heh Heh..."

Lisa stepped on Fang Rui's foot and ran away.

Well, even if she is dissatisfied, Lisa has to admit that what Fang Rui said has made a lot of sense. Jungkook is a mountain that can't be pulled out! This girl is the ultimate standard to test the charm of a girl!

Lisa kicked a pebble sadly and sighed. Now that she's almost out of cards, which resulted in not gaining the upper hand. Does that mean that her charm is worth nothing?

Shoot, as a girl, I have really failed! Lisa self-abased herself and blamed herself. Then, she made a decision. If she can't play the last card in her hand, she has no choice but to withdraw.

Lisa's last card is: Tender sentiments

At the thought of these words, Lisa shivered. She has grown this old, she hasn't been 'tender' to anyone! Well, for her love, she will fight for it.

Lisa's first step in "tenderness" is to be virtuous. Boys' thoughts are more traditional. Virtuous girls are always popular. This is the rule that the dog head military strategists provided to Lisa. She didn't know how to cook at that moment. She can wash clothes or do something else. Of course, washing clothes for Jungkook didn't mean that he would let her wash them. Lisa pondered.

There is a basketball game in University A's stadium on the weekends. Lisa managed to find Jungkook's seat, and she sat there early waiting for him, with a bottle of coke. Jungkook seemed to have gotten used to the omnipresence of Lisa. He nodded his head and sat beside her. Lisa's plot was as follows: She will "accidentally" spill coke on Jungkook and then she will try to wipe him. Then, she will resolutely say that she was responsible for this so that she can help Jungkook by washing his clothes. After that, Jungkook will find that Lisa is virtuous, kind and lovely. Finally, they live happily ever after...

Lisa thought about it and couldn't help giggling. Jungkook turned to look at her and turned his eyes back to the game. The corner of his lips rose slightly and mumbled softly, "Fool."

The voices were so loud that Lisa didn't notice Jungkook had said something. When she saw that Jungkook was focused on the competition, she quietly raised the coke in her hand.

But what she didn't know was that although Jungkook's eyes were on the basketball court, his attention was on Lisa. When Lisa raised the coke, he knew what this guy wanted to do, even though he didn't know what was her reason for it. So when Lisa's coke spilled out, Jungkook quickly avoided it well... Well, it could only be counted as evaded because his top wasn't wet but his pants were wet.

And the wet place ah.... Jungkook's expression cracked. If he knew about it earlier, he wouldn't have evaded it. It is good now, it made him feel like he wet his pants. o(╯□╰)o

Lisa didn't think so much. She saw that his pants were wet, so she can start on the second step. Her brain seemed to be executing a fixed procedure which was to take out a tissue and pretended to flusterly wipe it for Jungkook and earnestly saying "I'm sorry" while wiping it. Well, in fact, she was a little flustered and her mind became blank.

Jungkook suddenly jumped up from his seat and his face was grim. "What are you doing?"

Lisa was stunned, "I, I, I..."

The people around them began to look at them. Lisa blushed. She lowered her head. She was perplexed. Isn't it just to wipe the water for him? Even if he knows that I did it intentionally, he wouldn't need to act like that right....

Jungkook stopped looking at her and turned away. If Lisa looked up at him at this time, she would find out that his steps seemed to show that he is in a hurry, like as if he is running away.

After Jungkook left, the people around Lisa returned back to normal. She thought that Jungkook seemed to be a little strange today. According to the truth, she had done the worst things, but she hadn't seen him flare up? Although Jungkook has a cold personality, he is very cultured. He will be polite even if he is no longer annoying.

Lisa suddenly flashed an idea as if she had understood something. Yes, she did wipe but where did she wipe it? That's the most private place for males, Lisa, you pig head!

Lisa's face blushed and her forehead began to sweat. She has made a fool of herself! She had not even touched his hand, but touched such a heavy tasting place! Fang Rui is right. She is really a hooligan!

Jungkook must be angry with her now. He must hate her!

Lisa is half right. Jungkook is really angry, but he is angry with himself.

Jungkook went back to his bedroom and took a shower, changed his clothes and sat at his desk. Just now, Lisa touched him, and he just...just...

As Jungkook recalled the scene just now, he thought that there was another sense of heat in his mind. He wanted to force the heat back, but it was useless. Jungkook ran into the bathroom again. He didn't take off his clothes and he directly turned on the shower and cold water showered on him making him feel a little calm.

Jungkook didn't think much, but the people in the bathroom were stunned. There were two people in the bathroom. One of them stuttered to Jungkook, "You, why didn't you take off your clothes?"

Jungkook thought and replied expressionlessly, "I forgot". He said as he wiped the water on his face and walked out of the bathroom.

The two people in the bathroom were shocked.

A: "This is Jungkook from the Mathematics major."

B: "Genius is always different from other people. I admire it."

A: "The reason why I can't be a genius is that I don't wear clothes in the bath."

B: "..."

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