The Legacy Begins

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A bad child who stole a package of expensive and important objects is brutally attacked by a dry noodle. The bad child is later forced to eat the noodle, but he has to share it with his 5 siblings and his aged parents. The bad child has to figure out how to cook the noodle and struggles. Once he finally cooked the noodle (a bit overlooked, actually), he serves the noodle on a plate and presents it to his family. However, the noodle is very short and it's hard to share with his family. His family begs to differ. "IF YOU TRY NOODLE CAN GO LONG WAY", they say. If the bad child doesn't figure out a way to share the noodle, he will get kicked out of the house. He must leave and go find the family more noodles to eat. The bad child reluctantly leaves the house on the lookout for more noodles.

It is at this point, however that the bad child realizes that the noodle isn't a what, it's a who. Noodle is a person, just like him, who has great power. Noodle held the power to get the bad child kicked out of the house. The thoughts flow into his head like a river now, crystal clear, "NOODLE TOO GOOD 4 U. NOODLE 2 FAB. NOODLE > YOU". He can just imagine his angry old mother speaking now, "WE HAVE LIFE BECAUSE WE HAVE NOODLE. YOU HAVE NO LIFE BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO NOODLE. YOU MUST GO FIND JOB, WORK FOR NOODLE. NOODLE RULE THE WORLD."

The bad child replays the last sentence in his head over and over again. "Noodle rule the world." As he continues his journey on the search for more noodles, he turns onto a street he's never seen before. On the fence lining the sidewalk, he sees a sign that reads "Noodle 4 president." Confused, the bad child keeps walking.

On election day, the bad child learns that Noodle was the only candidate for president. Noodle takes over the continent. Noodle soon takes over the world. Noodle goes to space and becomes king of the entire galaxy.

At this point, the bad child realizes that Noodle is infinite. Noodle will never die. Noodle is a legacy. Nothing can break noodle. Noodle is immortal. It is at this moment that the bad child begins singing "BECAUSE WE COULD BE IMMORTALS. JUST NOT FOR LONG, FOR LONG". The bad child then realizes that Noodle is actually not that long anymore because Noodle is suffering from old age and rotting.

It hits the bad child that Noodle is dying out. This triggers the philosophical side of the bad child. The bad child realizes that Noodle will be reborn in another galaxy and begin the Legacy of Noodle there. He realizes that even if Noodle dies, Noodle will still forever be in his heart.   Another side of the bad child tells him that Noodle might also be smothered in marinara sauce and be eaten. Noodle might also be the last noodle on the plate that a picky kid might not want to eat.

Noodle is also aware of this. Noodle is having a mid life crisis. As Noodle rolls around, he wonders why he was even brought to earth in noodle form. Noodle soon discovers that he aspires to be a meatball.  Noodle decides that he is never too old to have surgery and become a meatball so he goes to the doctor and asks for permission to have surgery to turn into a meatball. The doctor looks at Noodle with an appealed look and tells Noodle, "bro you're wayyyy too old calm yoself".

Noodle is unsure of what to do at this point. He cannot physically be a meatball... Later that day, the idea comes to Noodle that if he cannot physically be a meatball, he must mentally be the meatball. Noodle curves himself into a circle and believes that he is a meatball. And that is all that Noodle could ever ask for, until, however, a hungry dog approaches Noodle and thinks Noodle is a meatball. This is the last known story of Noodle in the great Legacy of Noodle. Any new records of Noodle have either been eaten by the same hungry dog or Noodle was simply wiped away from existence like a speck of dust. We may never know...

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