Noodle the Hero

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Noodle has to be careful. He was aware that he only had a short while until the garbage man came with his angry sounding truck to haul away his fellow noodle and leave them to rot in a waste land. He had to come up with a plan quickly and make sure that it was efficient. Noodle kind weren't exactly that smart, but thankfully, Noodle was above average.

Noodle recalled seeing a human invention that had taken over the world in the past. He thought about the rope. He could just see it now, all of his fellow noodle twisting together to form a rope that would save them all.

The only problem was that some of these noodle were uncooked, meaning that they were rigid and could not bend. It would take time to cook them, Noodle thought. Cooking is also a painful process for noodles because it puts them in extreme discomfort and burns them. However, when the whole cooking process is done, they feel relaxed, just as a human would feel relaxed after stretching.

Noodle decided that he would have to be smarter. A rope wouldn't work because not all noodle could twist. He began to stare at the uncooked noodles in front of him. As Noodle was examining his fellow uncooked noodle, he realized that they all are shaped like hooks.

Noodle scoured his surroundings carefully. He saw that the trash can had small hooks on it. He could attach the uncooked noodles to the small hook on the trash can and make a chain for the rest of the cooked noodle to go down. Afterwards, he could have the cooked noodles form a rope that attaches to the trash can, allowing the uncooked noodles to slide down the rope and make it back to safety.

It was a huge gamble, but it was a chance that Noodle was willing to take in order to save his fellow noodle kind.

In the time that it took Noodle to think of a plan, most of the noodles that were excited to see him try to save them got bored of watching Noodle idly stand in one spot and left to a spot somewhere in the depths of the trash can. Again, Noodle performed the elaborate noodle dance to summon his fellow noodle. Once he believed that he had all of their attention, he began to explain his grand plan.

The uncooked noodles got to work quickly, being pushed by their fellow noodle to form a chain. It was uncomfortable for the raw noodles, but they dealt with it because they knew that they were helping their own race, and noodle kind is very kind.

All of the cooked noodles gathered nervously at the edge of the trash can, scared to go down the slide of raw noodles first. After a few minutes of arguing, the noodles formed a line and slid down, to find a nice bowl and the end of the slide.

Step 1 was complete, and Noodle was very proud of himself. He began to explain to the cooked noodles how to make a rope. They got into a rope formation with lots of effort, but finally they attached to the edge of the trash can with Noodle supporting them on the other end. The raw noodles carefully gathered near the noodle rope and "ziplined" their way down into the very welcoming bowl.

Noodle was proud of his work. He has just saved most of his fellow noodle kind from a boring life staring at wasteland grounds just rotting and decomposing.

Noodle walked away from the chatter of his safe fellow noodle and went to rest by the side of the restaurant. He saw Hot Noodle leaving the crowd and saw her wriggling closer to him. Noodle thought he was hallucinating and put off the thought that Hot Noodle was coming closer towards him. That was, until he felt Hot Noodle hugging him and thanking Noodle for saving her life along with the other noodle.

Noodle thought that he could make his move on Hot Noodle. He asked her if she wanted to go for a walk before he comes up with an evacuation plan for the fellow noodle. She ended up agreeing, much to Noodle's surprise, and they both walked away.

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