first betrayal

3 0 0

your bed

at your grandmas house

was always cold .

lines of coke

rolled up dollar bills

littered your bedside table .

my head on your chest

while you slept so peacefully .

i caved

i checked your messeges

and shook with anxiety .

the heart emojis

the flirtatious texts

my tears racing to meet at my chin

and drip onto the screen

that made me hate myself .

the moment my sunshine

started getting cloudy .

you begged

¨ please stay ¨

¨ im sorry ¨

¨ its not like that ¨

but it was like that

and you werent sorry .

i went home

and questioned everything

and anything

about who i was .

a mess

not pretty enough

not funny enough

not enough

not enough

not enough .

i hated who i was

because i wasnt enough

for someone as nasty as you .

what did that make me ?

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