Chapter 7

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------- your pov-----

Dipper stared at me for an overly long period of time. His mouth wide open. The events of that dream still had me shaken but at least I could keep a calm composure. Dipper snapped back to reality and grabbed my wrist. I defensively pulled away. I thought about the scars, one move away from being revealed. At first he looked offended but then shrugged his shoulders. " I need to show you something." he said. He trusts me already? We only just met. Hell, he doesn't even know my name. He stood up and walked out the door. I questioned weather or not I should follow him. It seemed important but I don't know if I trust him. Maybe it would be good for me to just not question someone and trust them for once. NOPE! not happening. I am not trusting anyone! Not after what happened.


I watched water fall from the sky out of the classroom window. I wanted to join the clouds in their crying but the constant echoing of words in my head held me back. The teachers lecture was cut from my memory by the knife of lack of consentration. By the end of the lecture the rain had stopped bringing my already falling mood to a stop as it hit the ground and splattered everywhere. Tears started to run down my face and my legs started to pull me away from the class as fast as possible. I mentally tried to outrun the voices teasing me in my head but to no avail they caught me. I stopped to breathe when I saw my best friend sitting by the bus stop. I wanted to go talk to her but I noticed how she had been glaring at me all day. I was about to yell hi when strong arms pushed me to the ground. Landing in a puddle I started to freak out thinking I would drown but arms pulled me up. I looked forward with my vision blurry just in time to get punched in the face. My best friend had moved from her seat and had now joined in the other bullies. Mental bullets were fired at me each one leaving a mark. I felt the pain of knives digging onto my skin and the group of people started kicking me. I wanted to disappear into the abyss of darkness that was just out of my reach. I wanted to die, no, I wanted to cease to exist. The last thing I remember before passing out was the pleasant feeling of my blood dripping out of my mouth as my 'best friend' punched me in the face.

-- back to modern day --
I stood up and closed the door. Tears started falling from my (e/c). I wanted to stop them but couldn't. Locking the door I listened to Dipper yell at me telling me to hurry up. " Sorry Dipper but I don't trust you." I muttered as I entered my bathroom and skillfully started carving elegant patterns into my skin with my pocket knife. The familiar reminder of blood running across my skin was my only comfort in this world.
I TRUST NO ONE. That's what the scars read when I had finished. The lesson I intended to never forget.
Fuck my life.


Okay okay ik I cursed. Please don't freak out. I don't plan on using curses a lot. Now then let's talk future of this story. Don't get mad because you self harm in the book. It will end well. If you are like me you might die of like idk freaking fan girling way to hard. Hahahahaha jk if I could have made you do that I would have done it by now. Please comment what you think so far. It would be really useful. If you need to scream at me in the comments go ahead I can't/ won't stop you. Your comments mean a lot to me so it's important that you comment your thoughts. Sorry for the late update. I'll try to update more frequently this week. TRY!!! thanks for reading!!

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