chapter 21

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Bills Pov

They had me trapped. Trapped in this general idea that they could be mine. Lies. It was all lies. They fuelled my power hungry life while they were with me, but now that they are gone, I'm still not hollow. I still feel. This makeshift heart is beating slowly and painstakingly. I feel claustrophobic being in this mental state. I'm stronger then this, I tell myself. They mean nothing, but that only hurts more. so why do I keep saying it?

it seems like if I say it enough the less it will hurt?

its comforting?

This pain, this sorrow, and hatred, they are new. They reignite me almost but at the same time they are slowly drowning me. human emotions are so confusing.

I'm done with all these deals. Giddeon owes me a favour, (y/n) never really was in a contract with me, Mable got her fairy tale ending. What did I get out of any of this?! Nothing. Pine tree got it all. He won every game I've played with him. He always wins. I don't even want to play this part in this story. I don't want to be the villain. I never chose to be, people just disagree with my goals, and made me the villain. I'm sick of it! why cant I ever win.

I'm done trying to play hero. I'm done fighting this destined distinction between me being good and bad. If this story has to have two parts I'll make sure it has a second. I'll give it hell for what its given me. Pine tree better watch his back. He's  dug his grave too deep this time. I'm not gonna loose again. I'm gonna win, and Gravity Falls will finally fall to my feet. if I have to be the evil one here, I'm gonna play my part the best I can.

A storms brewing now Pine tree. I let a laugh slip from my lips, one of malicious intent, with a dark twist at the end of it. One that even Ive never heard from myself. Yes, I like this feeling, this rage. Be careful Pine tree. Your journal wont work as an umbrella for you now , and your right in the eye of the storm.

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