Birthday present [M]

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Birthday present by demondreaming on


"Happy birthday, Jennie!"

The petite girl jumped in surprise, hands muffling the squeal she let out. She bounced excitedly, wide eyes roaming over the streamer-strewn, brightly decorated room. "You guys!"

She rushed forward, arms outstretched, hugging her group of friends tightly as they responded with just as much enthusiasm. All except Kai, who was sort of stiff and uncomfortable, as he was in most situations. But Jisoo's tight, wooden embrace more than made up for it.

Jennie turned to the waiting Rosé, where she stood at the entrance, edges of a smile on her lips. "You did this?"

"Well..." Rosé shrugged, picking an imaginary speck off her dark top.

"You did this?" Jennie bounced on her toes, voice growing in volume. She practically threw herself at the taller girl, planting a series of soft kisses wherever her lips could reach. The others stared for a moment before awkwardly clearing their throats and turning away, threads of conversation starting.

Ever since Jennie and Rosé had started dating, the group had seen more than their fair share of Jennie's natural affinity for affection. In fact, they'd seen how very lavish it was. And how very public.

"Jennie, I didn't-"

"You did this?"

"Sure. I did this." Rosé placated the brunette-headed girl, hands planted on her thin shoulders.

"Hey! We're the ones who did all the work!" Lisa called out indignantly, a dip laden chip wavering near her mouth, eyebrows arrowed.

"It's called delegating, Manoban. You were just the muscle."

Jennie grinned at the bitter girl, arms still wrapped around her waist. Dating Rosé was like dating a snake. Sure, she was cold, and scary, and had the potential to kill you. And often, the will to. But she was beautiful, and if you put her in the sun, she warmed right up. It just so happened that Jennie was her sun, and she could make Rosé's blood beat hot. And, just like a snake Rosé was often misunderstood. Partly because she liked it that way. But Jennie had learned to duck the barbs, the sharp insults, and calm the hissing, sinuous creature behind them. If Jennie had been born somewhere else, she might've become a snake handler.

"You're so nice to me!" She snuggled her head into Rosé's chest, the blonde girl smirking, hands smoothing over Jennie's t-shirt clad shoulderblades.

"You haven't even seen your presents yet."

The shorter girl drew back, chocolate coloured eyes wide, lower lip trembling. "Presents?"

Rosé hid a smile. Jennie had given her the exact same look when she'd told the brunette girl there was a kitten, puppy, and ice cream parade happening in the next street over. Hopefully the tear-filled pout wasn't to follow this time though, considering there actually were presents for her. She'd even hired Poocho the wonder pup to come to this stupid party. She wasn't sure what the hell the dog could do that was so special, but Jennie hadn't stopped singing its theme song for weeks. Rosé was pretty sure it was inscribed on the inside of her skull by now. It was the soundtrack to her nightmares.

She was glad to see that Jennie was happy, even if by all appearances the West girl was bored and more than a little annoyed at all the fawning and general foppery going on. It made all the effort, and all the pain of talking to Lisa, almost worth it. Those hours spent planning with Lisa were time she'd never get back though. But at least she'd spiked every drink she'd ever offered Lisa.

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